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Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher: Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

The world of Attorney Mylas Grey changes forever one Saturday morning in May.
Unfortunately, he isn’t prepared for the situation, the consequences, or the danger, and he sure isn’t prepared for the female distraction.

He isn’t prepared for the situation . . .
Mylas always thought the owner of the McKinney Law Firm, where he’s employed, would outlive him, so when the owner suffers a fatal heart attack, Mylas suddenly faces an uncertain future, his hope of a partnership shattered.

He isn’t prepared for the consequences . . .
When Mylas learns he’s mentioned in the will, he expects to receive a small token of appreciation for his years of service to the firm, but then, when everyone assembles to hear the reading of the will, things take a bizarre turn with unexpected consequences.


Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher: Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Titus uncovers a plot to attack the nation’s capital with chemical weapons.
Can he convince a Syrian asset to help him stop the deadly attack?

Encountering a Shooter . . .

CIA intelligence operative, Titus Ray, arrives in Washington, D.C. on the day a terrorist enters the Washington Navy Yard and murders five people. Convinced the incident is connected to a Hezbollah plot to use chemical weapons on an American city, Titus jeopardizes his own career to interrogate the killer and learn the truth.

Exposing a General . . .
After the shooter reveals the identity of an Iranian deep-cover operative living in Washington, D.C., Titus embarks on an intelligence operation spanning two continents and exposing an Iranian general obsessed with destroying America.


Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher: Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Mylas Grey agrees to investigate a personal matter for Senator Davis Allen.
The investigation needs to be quick, thorough, and discreet.

It needs to be quick . . .
Because the senator is working against a deadline. But how can it be quick when it involves a long-forgotten incident?

It needs to be thorough . . .
Because the senator needs answers for his upcoming press conference. But how can it be thorough when a dead woman’s diary is all Mylas has to work with?

It needs to be discreet . . .
Because the senator is desperate to protect his reputation. But how can it be discreet when Mylas discovers he’s being followed?


Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher: Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

CIA operative Titus Ray took five steps. But not just any steps.
They were five steps beyond his expectations, five steps beyond his experience, five steps beyond his past.

He took five steps beyond his expectations . . .
When Titus is summoned to the White House, he expects to be offered a Top Secret assignment. What he doesn’t expect is where that assignment will take him, and how he’ll survive if he accepts it.

He took five steps beyond his experience . . .
Even though Titus has been through a lot in his twenty-year career with the Agency, he’s never had to learn about uranium enrichment, he’s never had his appearance altered, he’s never had to be a marriage counselor.


Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher: Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

He was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person.
Now, he’s forced to assume an identity from his past.

CIA covert operative Titus Ray always figured one day he might encounter someone who knew him as a different person from a previous operation. He just never expected it to happen on a family vacation.

It was the wrong place . . .

While vacationing in Bridgetown, Barbados, Titus suddenly finds himself face-to-face with an Iranian businessman who knew him as Hammid Salimi when he was living in Tehran during a deep-cover operation. Forced to resume his old identity, Titus learns of a Russian government scheme to help Iran avoid strict economic sanctions imposed on them by the U.S.


Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher: Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

CIA operative Titus Ray expects the unexpected.
Just not this time. Just not this way. Just not on his honeymoon.

An unexpected encounter in Morocco . . .

Titus and Nikki begin their new life together in a church ceremony in Norman, Oklahoma and immediately fly to Marrakesh, Morocco for their honeymoon. Then, the unexpected happens, and Titus has an encounter with Jihadi terrorist Baran Asan.

An unexpected discovery in Israel . . .

Cutting their honeymoon short, Titus and Nikki head over to Israel to search for their foster child’s grandmother, but then an unexpected discovery leads to a second sighting of Baran Asan and reveals disturbing news about a planned assassination in Iraq.

An unexpected assassination in Iraq . . .


Author(s): Luana Ehrlich
Publisher:  Potter’s Word Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Mylas Grey is a private investigator but don’t call him a private detective.
That title belongs to his father—not to him.

Mylas is the Chief Investigator for Senator Davis Allen, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. His job is to do background investigations for the President’s judicial nominees, and that’s the only kind of investigation he’s interested in doing.

But then Lizzie, the Senator’s daughter, goes missing from her campus apartment.

And suddenly, just like that, Mylas finds himself back in his hometown of Columbia, Missouri, investigating her disappearance as if he were a run-of-the-mill private detective.

Nothing about the investigation is easy.


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