
Tag: Philip Graham Ryken

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Author(s): Philip Graham Ryken
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $3.99        (Ends Sept 28)
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How are we to relate to a three-personed God? The idea of the Trinity may initially seem too abstract to understand, but the truth is that a deeper knowledge of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has daily importance. Convinced that many Christians “have some level of awareness that God is triune…[but] are virtually Unitarian,” the authors have written a practical and theologically robust resource to help readers grow closer to the Triune God. 

Philip Ryken and Michael LeFebvre examine the doctrine of the Trinity in four parts. They explain the roles of the Father, Son, and Spirit in salvation; answer difficult questions about the Trinity; explore the believer’s relationship to each person of the Trinity; and provide an exposition of the various Gospel narratives depicting how the three persons of the Trinity work together to accomplish the redemptive purposes of God. Their careful treatment of these central truths captures important implications for the Christian life.

Our Triune God is a helpful guide for Christians wanting to deepen their faith and for pastors as they shepherd their congregations toward a richer love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 


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Book details:

Kregel: Out: One Christian’s Experience of Leaving the Gay Community by Bob Fife with Ron Hughes vs. Critical Conversations by Tom Gilson
Crossway: King Solomon: The Temptations of Money, Sex, and Power by Philip Graham Ryken vs. Redeeming Money: How God Reveals and Reorients Our Hearts by Paul David Tripp
New Leaf: How Do We Know the Bible is True? Vol 2 by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge vs. Quick Answers to Tough Questions by Bryan Osbourne & Bodie Hodge
Intervarsity Press: The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog by James W. Sire vs. Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept by James W. Sire
Christian Focus: A Neglected Grace by Jason Helopoulos vs. Equipping for Life: A Guide for New, Aspiring & Struggling Parents by Andreas and Margaret Kostenberger
Reformation Heritage: The Next to Last Word: Service, Hope, and Revival in the Postexilic Prophets by Michael P.V. Barrett vs. Memoirs of the Way Home: Ezra and Nehemiah as a Call to Conversion by Gerald M. Bilkes

ecclesiastesAuthor(s): Philip Graham Ryken
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       [SALE ENDED EARLY]
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The book of Ecclesiastes is “about life, the way it really is,” writes commentator Philip Ryken. Readers throughout the ages have been drawn to the way it honestly wrestles with the tedium of work, injustices in this life, the ravages of age, and the inevitability of death. But its wisdom, according to Ryken, is in teaching people to trust God with life’s questions even in the midst of struggles.

Pastors, writers, speakers, and students will find this Preaching the Word commentary to be a helpful resource in their teaching and studies. Ryken explores what will happen if we choose the world’s offerings instead of God’s and teaches valuable lessons about what it means to have a God-centered worldview.

Ecclesiastes is the twenty-sixth volume of the Preaching the Word series—noted for its clear exposition, readability, practical application, and unqualified commitment to biblical authority. Ryken’s commentary will not only enrich any individual study of Ecclesiastes but will equip Christian leaders in communicating its universal application to a wide audience.

loving jesus moreAuthor(s): Philip Graham Ryken
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 5-6)
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Do you love Jesus more than your spouse? Your reputation? Your kids? Your health? Your job? Your money?

As Christians, we’re called to love Jesus more than anyone or anything else. But do we really do this? Emphasizing that God’s love for us is the source of our love for him, Phil Ryken challenges us to take Jesus’s words seriously and think carefully about where our affections truly lie.

City on a Hill: Reclaiming the Biblical Pattern for the ChurchAuthor(s): Philip Graham Ryken
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

We are now living in post-Christian times, when Christianity no longer is the prevailing influence on the mind and heart of our culture. But we cannot compromise. More than ever before, it is imperative that Christians understand and embrace the biblical pattern for the church. Philip Graham Ryken knows that the changing face of America makes the need for the church to remain steadfast even more important. City on a Hill will provide readers with a deeper understanding of how to live for Christ in the twenty-first century: go back to the model set out in the first century. Sure to be an encouragement and challenge to anyone concerned about the effectiveness of the church today.

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