
Tag: Personal Growth

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Author(s): Heidi Mortenson
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!


In this broken world, there is still a path to joy. Encouragement is an often overlooked yet powerful tool that allows us to believe in our inherent worth, value, and capacity. It is the shift from I can’t to I will. In a word, encouragement is transformative. The Brave Encourager will show you that the full potential God has given to each of us often goes untapped.

But how can we access this precious gold? Whether we have lost hope or are choosing vulnerability, encouragement is the key to helping us through the moments that challenge us. Now is the time to explore experiences that have caused you to put up walls and disconnect, and to learn how to unlock the brave encourager inside of you. By entering into this mindset of unconditional, courageous, and overflowing love, you will learn to believe in your own self-worth and how to encourage others around you. Welcome to the journey of becoming a brave encourager.


In this grab bag, we have 4 e-books on personal growth. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.


Ends Jan 31

Ends Jan 31

Ends Jan 31

New Normal: Experiencing God’s Best for Your Life
John Lindell
Publisher: Charisma House
Price: $2.75       Buy Now!

“John Lindell’s book New Normal: Experiencing God’s Best for Your Life will challenge your status quo in the best sort of way. By unpacking the truths of Scripture and sharing powerful personal stories, John will guide you on a faith-filled journey that has the potential to reshape your future.”

Too many of us visit the land of God’s blessing but never live there.

What if what you have grown accustomed to is far less than what God has for you?
What if what you call “normal” falls tragically short of what you were created for?
What if the difference between you living in God’s best and where you find yourself today is simply your willingness to rise up and fight to experience the new normal—He has for you?

The truth is far too many of us visit the land of God’s blessing but never live there.
We spend much of our lives feeling like we are on the outside of His blessing looking in, but never knowing a sustained experience of God’s best. The reason for our sporadic acquaintance with the fullness of God’s goodness is that we are not willing to wage the battle necessary to inhabit that new normal. This book explores the pathway into the Promise Land that Joshua and the people of Israel trekked and provides spiritual principles for fighting the spiritual battles that unlock a life of walking in God’s best.

In New Normal, John Lindell invites you to join him on a life-changing journey following Joshua and the nation of Israel as they find out what it takes to live in the land of blessing God has prepared for them. Through these pages, you will discover an existence where you no longer view God’s best as a passing reality but as the place where you live.

Experience God’s best for your life!

New Normal Study Guide: Experiencing God’s Best for Your Life
John Lindell
Publisher: Charisma House
Price: $3.99       DEAL EXPIRED
Buy Now!

In New Normal Study Guide, John Lindell invites you to join him on a life-changing journey following Joshua and the nation of Israel as they find out what it takes to live in the land of blessing God has prepared for them. Through these pages, you will discover an existence where you no longer view God’s best as a passing reality but as the place where you live.

In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books on personal & spiritual growth. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-Book cover.



Ends Jan 31

Ends Jan 31


Ends Jan 31

In this grab bag, we have 7 e-books on Christian living & personal growth. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Dec 6

In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books on personal growth & Christian living. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.







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