
Tag: Pastoring the Pastor

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Author(s): Tim Cooper & Kelvin Gardiner
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 19-20)
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Daniel Donford is a new pastor: excited, filled with bright dreams, anticipating a big future for him and his new church, Broadfield Community Church. However opposition and obstacles lie just ahead, and both may end his journey into pastoral ministry before it has really begun. But Dan has an Uncle Eldon, if anyone can see Dan through his trials and disasters, Eldon can. The wisdom he offers, via a series of emails, might just be enough to see Dan transformed into the mature, selfless, loving pastor God wants him to be.

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Kregel: Three Views on Israel and the Church: Perspectives on Roman 9-11 (Viewpoints) by Jared Compton & Andrew David Naselli vs. Three Views on the Origins of the Synoptic Gospels by Robert L. Thomas

Intervarsity Press: Neither Poverty Nor Riches: Biblical Theology Of Possessions (New Studies in Biblical Theology) by Craig L. Blomberg vs. Old Testament Theology: A Thematic Approach by Robin Routledge

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Christian Focus: Pastoring the Pastor by Tim Cooper & Kelvin Gardiner vs. The Secret Life of the Pastor: And Other Intimate Letters on Ministry by Michael Milton

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