
Tag: Our Father

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Author(s): Peter Tonna
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Who is God? What is he like? Is he distant? Does he care?

There’s no question that God is mysterious but when you look at the scriptures (the Bible) and, more specifically, to Jesus, you see just how much God has revealed himself to humanity. There is more than enough scriptural evidence to show who God is, his character and his concern and love for all of humanity. God is not a distant deity that has no interest in his creation. Quite the opposite, he very much wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives to the smallest details. This brief book focuses on how God wants us to see him and sheds a little more light on who God is and how he wants us to refer to him. There are an endless number of words and phrases to describe God, the one he wants us to refer to him most; as shown by Jesus is, father.

This book is for anyone who wants a concise explanation of who God is. You could be new to the faith, you may not believe at all, or you may adhere to another faith. No matter your persuasion, this book to a great summary.


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