
Tag: One Thing

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Author(s): Paul Schwanke
Publisher: Striving Together Publications
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

“I want to go to Heaven. There must be something I can do to get there. Just name it.”

So ran the conversation between Jesus and the young politician. And so concurs the thoughts of seekers today.

But what if—in spite of your sincerity—there is one thing standing in your way?

Jesus told the young ruler there was. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He helped many confront the “one thing” standing between them and God.

A respected religious teacher. A common woman. A blind outcast. Although it would seem they lived worlds apart, they all had one thing in common—the fact that there was one thing standing between them and God.

One decision. One choice. One roadblock. One thing.

Will you confront it?

Author(s): Sam Storms
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Ends Dec 8)
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The goal of our creation was not simply that we might be happy, but happy in appreciating God’s own glory. Not in reviewing our own accomplishments or in the enjoyment of our own sensual appetites. Not in the development of a healthy self-esteem or in the acquisition of a four-bedroom home with a three-car garage. We were made to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Nothing is more important than understanding this truth. This inspiring work helps us see that beauty has the power to convince the inquiring mind of truth. The soul’s contact with God’s beauty elicits love and forges in us a new affection that no earthly power can overcome. Enjoying God in the revelation of his beauty is the solution to our struggle with sin, the catalyst for substantive and lasting change and is the soul’s satisfaction, with which no rival pleasure can hope to compete.
So what is it about God that when known and seen and experienced empowers the human soul to feel sickened in the presence of sin and satisfied in the divine embrace? That word again: Beauty.

Apatheism affects not just those outside the church but those inside the church who can’t be bothered with their own religion let alone someone else’s.

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