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Author(s): David S. Steele
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!


On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed the ninety-five theses to the castle door in Wittenberg. One act of courage sparked a theological firestorm in Germany that set the world ablaze in a matter of days. Spreading like wildfire, thousands were introduced to the gospel which is received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

“Bold Reformer: Celebrating the Gospel-Centered Convictions of Martin Luther” takes readers on a journey through a remarkable period of church history. It will challenge contemporary readers to learn the lessons of courage, and perseverance. It will inspire a new generation of people to follow Jesus, obey Jesus, and worship the Savior with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. It invites a new generation of Christ-followers to recover the gospel in their generation and make their stand as a bold reformer.

Author(s): Pierce Brantley
Publisher: N/A
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

A powerful men’s devotional book. Designed for Christian guys of all ages.

With a NEW, three-pillar framework, this biblical study for men will help you discover the mind of Christ in a profound way.

Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. These three pillars build up the “Mind of Christ” within you. When one of them is weak, your spirit man suffers. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Use this Christian men’s devotional to grow in spiritual strength by reading one power-packed excerpt per week. The new, one-of-a-kind framework, ensures you’ll make progress by covering your bases once a month.

In a month, all three pillars will be covered. At the end of the year, you’ll be a stronger Christian man, and best of all, you’ll recognize the Mind of Christ within you. Get this devotional for men best seller today!

Discover the results of this men’s devotional:

NEW – Three-Pillar Framework

EASY TO READ – It’s made for guys on the go. No Kumbaya’s included.

ONE DEVOTIONAL PER WEEK – Read one challenge per week! Apply this men’s devotional daily

BIBLICALLY BASED – No Fluff. Everything is based on the scripture

MEASUREABLE GROWTH – Each month your Power, Love, and Soundness of Mind is strengthened

GREAT FOR GROUPS – Perfect for Bible Studies and Men’s Groups

Author(s): Larry Osborne
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Ends Oct 28)
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In this delightfully personal and practical book, respected Bible teacher Larry Osborne confronts ten widely held beliefs that are both dumb and dangerous.

People don’t set out to build their faith upon myths and spiritual urban legends. But somehow such falsehoods keep showing up in the way that many Christians think about life and God. These goofy ideas and beliefs are assumed by millions to be rock-solid truth… until life proves they’re not. The sad result is often a spiritual disaster: confusion, feelings of betrayal, a distrust of Scripture, loss of faith, anger toward both the church and God.

But it doesn’t have to be so. Respected Bible teacher Larry Osborne confronts ten widely held beliefs that are both dumb and dangerous, including:

• Faith can fix anything
• God brings good luck
• Forgiving means forgetting
• Everything happens for a reason
• A godly home guarantees good kids

Get ready to be shocked, relieved, and inspired in the pages of Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe. Because the truth is meant to set us free—not hurt us.

Author(s): Brandon J. O’Brien
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $4.99       (Ends Oct 15)
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Publishers Weekly: “In this enjoyable history, O’Brien . . . proposes that born-again activist Isaac Backus (1724–1806) should be thanked for the development of religious freedom within the United States. . . . Those interested in the origins of America’s policy on religious regulations will enjoy this assured history of the battles Backus fought when freedom of belief was no foregone conclusion.”

Religious liberty is one of the most contentious political issues of our time. How should people of faith engage with the public square in a pluralist era? Some citizens hope to reclaim a more Christian vision of national identity, while others resist any religious presence at all.

This dispute is not new, and it goes back to the founding era of American history. As the country was being formed, some envisioned a Christian nation where laws would require worship attendance and Sabbath observance. Others advocated for a thoroughly secular society where faith would have no place in public life. But neither extreme won the day, thanks to the unsung efforts of a Connecticut pastor who forged a middle way. Historian Brandon O’Brien unveils the untold story of how religious liberty came to be. Between the Scylla and Charybdis of theocracy and secularism, Baptist pastor Isaac Backus contended for a third way. He worked to secure religious liberty and freedom of conscience for all Americans, not just for one particular denomination or religious tradition. Backus’s theological ideas had social consequences, giving us insights into how people of faith navigate political debates and work for the common good. Backus lived in an age of both religious revival and growing secularism, competing forces much like those at work today. Then and now, people fiercely argue about the role of government and the limits of liberty. The past speaks into the present as we continue to demand liberty and justice for all.Description.

Author(s): Timothy Paul Jones
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Oct 1-14)
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Nothing in Your Life Is Ordinary

Your present world isn’t supposed to be this small. You were made for something much bigger. And no, you don’t have to be an astronaut, or even a Star Wars fan, to live it. Finding God in a Galaxy Far, Far Away is not about space travel, or even a movie. It’s about rediscovering your sense of wonder—something we adults have successfully squelched from our everyday lives. But God never meant it to be that way. Timothy Jones, by way of an astounding, eye-opening study of the spiritual parallels found in the Star Wars saga, will make you a kid again. You’ll be marveling at the mysterious, laughing anew at life’s “coincidences,” and remembering above all the Creator for which you were made.

May the True Force Be with You

Remember when Star Wars first captured your imagination? How your longing for adventure propelled you to distant worlds and transformed you into a Jedi knight faster than you could say, “Luke, I am your father”?

This same longing, once sparked by John Williams’s triumphant score and fanned by Darth Vader’s sweeping black cape, is your ticket to life’s greatest adventure.

Join Timothy Paul Jones on an astounding, eye-opening exploration of the spiritual themes in the Star Wars saga and the truth will become clear: Like young Luke Skywalker, you were also made for more—much more.

Rediscover awe. Revel in the wonder of every moment. And pursue all you were meant to be. It is your destiny.

AngelsAuthor(s): Michael S. Heiser
Publisher: Lexham Press
Price: $5.99       Buy Now!

What does the Bible really tell us about the heavenly host?

Everyone knows that angels have wings, usually carry harps, and that each of us has our own personal guardian angel, right? We all have some preconceptions about angels from movies, television shows, and other media, but you might be surprised to know that a lot of those notions aren’t based on anything from the Bible. If you read Luke 1:26–38 and imagine the angel Gabriel standing before Mary with neatly folded white wings, you’re not getting that picture from anything the Bible itself says.

What the Bible really says about angels is overlooked or filtered through popular myths. This book was written to help change that. It’s a book about the loyal members of God’s heavenly host, and while most people associate them with the word “angel,” that’s just one of many terms the Bible uses for supernatural beings.

In The Unseen Realm Michael Heiser opened the eyes of thousands to seeing the Bible through the supernatural worldview of the ancient world it was written in. In his latest book, Angels, Dr. Heiser reveals what the Bible really says about God’s supernatural servants. Heiser focuses on loyal, holy heavenly beings because the Bible has a lot more to say about them than most people suspect. Most people presume all there is to know about angels is what has been passed on in Christian tradition, but in reality, that tradition is quite incomplete and often inaccurate.

Angels is not guided by traditions, stories, speculations, or myths about angels. Heiser’s study is grounded in the terms the Bible itself uses to describe members of God’s heavenly host; he examines the terms in their biblical context while drawing on insights from the wider context of the ancient Near Eastern world. The Bible’s view on heavenly beings begins with Old Testament terms but then moves into literature from the Second Temple period—Jewish writings from around the fifth century BC to the first century AD. This literature from the time between the Old Testament and the New Testament influenced the New Testament writers in significant ways. With that important background established, the book focuses on what the New Testament tells us about God’s holy ones. Finally, the book reflects on common misconceptions about angels and addresses why the topic is still important and relevant for Christians today.

What would Jesus EatAuthor(s): Don Colbert
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

In the What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook, you’ll discover an enormously effective?and delicious?way of eating based on Biblical principles. You’ll find that you can lose weight, prevent disease, enjoy more balanced meals, and attain vibrant health by changing the way you eat. A companion to the bestselling What Would Jesus Eat?, this cookbook offers inspired ideas for good eating and good living.

Modeled on Jesus’ example, The What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook emphasizes whole foods that are low in fat, salt, and sugar and high in nutrients and satisfying flavor. This modern approach to an ancient way of eating offers a healthy alternative to today’s fast food culture.

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