
Tag: New Leaf Press

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Author(s): Wayde Goodall
Publisher: New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (July 10-11)
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Your head sits heavily in your hands as the last employee turns out the last light and goes home for the night, leaving you alone in the dark with your failure and desperation. This scene is played-out daily in offices all over America, as leaders in corporations, churches, and organizations free-fall from moral or ethical failure.

Wayde Goodall has observed this quagmire for decades, counseling those who have thrown away their families and their futures for a moment of pleasure or profit. Profiling well-known leaders who’ve had a fall from grace, Goodall notes the common traits, warning signs, and most importantly, a plan for avoiding such deadly traps of the soul.

For everyone who has found himself in this terrible dilemma – and to those who can still avoid it – this book is like a beacon. There is a fail-safe guide for remaining on the right path, and Why Great Men Fall illustrates that safe route in a riveting way.

Author(s): Clarence Wagner
Publisher: New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (June 5-6)
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Packed with a wealth of information about “Eretz Israel,” the Land of Israel, 365 Fascinating Facts about Israel brings the region to life, especially for those who have never been there. From general information about climate, culture, and customs, to concise information about Middle East politics, wars, and efforts for peace, this book is the only handbook you need to understand this magnificent land. Add to your knowledge with such facts as the following:

* “Palestine” was a word coined by the Roman Empire after the time of Christ. *
* Israel today is a leading exporter of flowers, fulfilling the prophecies that the region would again bloom after God regathered the Jews from their worldwide dispersion. *
* Jerusalem is located in Judea, an area today known to many as the “West Bank.” *
* Modern Israel, over 50 years old, is barely younger then neighboring states Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. *
* The Holy Land is bordered on the west by the Mediterranean sea, and on teh right by the Jordan River. *


Author(s): Gary Smalley & Norma Smalley
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Feb 7-8)
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Be in Love ………for the rest of your life

You are 4 Days away from

Laying a firm foundation for your future marriage
Charting the course for an even better marriage
Transforming a marriage that seems to be at the end.

After all these years, bestselling author Gary Smalley and his wife, Norma, continue to improve their marriage. Learn from Dr. Smalley’s latest research, employing biblical principles he and Norma have used in the last forty years of marriage, ministry, and counseling.

Your marriage can be a safe place to love and be loved!

Take the 4 Day Challenge today…

God can do more than you can ask or think (from Ephesians 3:20).


Author(s): Lily Isaacs
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Jan 17-18)
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An unforgettable autobiography of Lily Isaac, the daughter of Holocaust survivors who rejected her Jewish heritage for a life with Jesus Christ and a music career.

Throughout her music and that of her children, who together form the beloved and multi-award winning group The Isaacs, you hear the resonating inspirational legacy of this family’s faith. Fans struggle to put the book down and are captivated by:

An autobiographical look at Lily’s life, from being a Jewish folk singer to serving as vocalist and matriarch of The Isaacs

The powerful account of her struggle with a once unknown faith and how she finally “cried her way to God from the church’s back pew”

The incredible insights behind heartbreaking moments which were her greatest opportunities of faith.


Author(s): Israel Wayne
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Dec 6-7)
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Jesus rarely answered questions He was asked, but instead turned the tables by asking a piercing question of His own. Questions Jesus Asks goes through a broad spectrum of these, dealing with issues like morality, suffering, humility, faith, and much more.

– Explore the unique paradox of Jesus’ divinity and humanity
– Be challenged by the questions Jesus asks each of us
– Learn more about Jesus and find the answers to your own life’s questions.

John 17:3 tells us: “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” There is no higher purpose in life than the knowledge of God through His Son. Prepare to learn far more about God and the nature of Jesus than you thought was possible. Jesus asks penetrating questions that cut passed the pretense and reach the target of our hearts.


Author(s): Gary Frazier
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Nov 29-30)
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Are we living in the last days? Current events indicate that Old and New Testament prophecies are being fulfilled. Dr. Gary Frazier, a top prophecy scholar, pastor, speaker and author, identifies key indicators along with Biblical references that explain the demise of America, the coming Islamic invasion of Israel, nuclear weapons in Iran, and more.

In this updated release of It Could Happen Tomorrow: Future Events that Will Shake the World, you will:

Discover what the Bible reveals about the end times
Separate fact from fiction about the end of the world
Learn important Biblical signs that the end is near
Recognize America’s place in Biblical prophecy.

Tim LaHaye, co-author of the best-selling Left Behind series says, “Dr. Frazier uses many of these end-time prophecies to show how our generation could very well be the last generation before the Rapture….” Reading this book will inspire you to live in expectation of Jesus Christ’s return and reign on earth. It could even change the focus of your life towards evangelism, missions, and living out the great commission.


Author(s):  Danny D. Clymer
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Sept 28-29)
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Those in the church and ministry are familiar with the Great Commission – the call to go forth and make disciples. However, for many, it isn’t that easy in a world increasingly influenced by doubters and distractions. Many Christian leaders may talk about it, but few really do it. Making disciples isn’t a complicated program, but a simple plan that comes only from Jesus. Now a diverse group of pastors, representing urban and rural communities, secular and Christian areas, as well as diverse multicultural backgrounds, and all known for successfully making new disciples, have gathered these sermons to encourage others to be disciple makers too. Discover:

– How Jesus practiced the Great Commission before He ever preached it
– Why discipleship begins with a whole-life understanding of worship
– When disciple-making gets confused with church growth efforts

These and countless other insights will help guide you in a faithful, deliberate effort to fulfill the Great Commission – no matter where you live or what communities in which you minister. Included in the book are:


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