
Tag: Michael E. Wittmer

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Author(s): Michael E. Wittmer
Publisher: B&H Academic
Price: $4.99       (July 12 Only)
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Urban Legends of Theology surveys 40 of the most common misunderstandings of Christian doctrine. Some of the urban legends are cultural truisms that turn out not to be true; others are misconceptions of what the Bible and Christian tradition actually teach.  

 Author and theologian Michael Wittmer writes in an engaging and incisive manner, probing beliefs nearly every churchgoer has heard at one time or another, such as:   

The Bible is our only authority 

All sin is the same before God 

God won’t give you more than you can handle 

Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship 

We are the hands and feet of Jesus  

Urban Legends of Theology corrects these misconceptions and offers a better alternative in each one’s place, guiding readers into the full riches and freedom of Christian theology rightly understood. 


Author(s): Michael E. Wittmer
Publisher: B&H Academic
Price: $4.99       (April 16 Only)
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Urban Legends of Theology surveys 40 of the most common misunderstandings of Christian doctrine. Some of the urban legends are cultural truisms that turn out not to be true; others are misconceptions of what the Bible and Christian tradition actually teach.  

 Author and theologian Michael Wittmer writes in an engaging and incisive manner, probing beliefs nearly every churchgoer has heard at one time or another, such as:   

The Bible is our only authority 

All sin is the same before God 

God won’t give you more than you can handle 

Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship 

We are the hands and feet of Jesus  


heaven is a place on earthAuthor(s): Michael E. Wittmer
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

I don’t want to go to heaven. Not that I’m lobbying for the other place . . .—Michael WittmerThis planet is more than just a stopover on your way to heaven. It is your final destination. God wants you to enjoy your earthly existence, and to think otherwise is to miss the life he intends for you.Exploring the book of Genesis, Heaven Is a Place on Earth gently but firmly strips away common misconceptions of Christianity and broadens your worldview to reveal the tremendous dignity and value of everyday life. Taking you from creation, to the fall, to redemption, and to glimpses from the book of Revelation, Michael Wittmer opens your eyes to a faith that encompasses all of life—baseball games, stock reports, church activities, prayer, lovemaking, work, hobbies . . . everything that lies within the sphere of human activity. To be fully Christian is to be fully human, says Wittmer, alive and responsive to the kingdom of God in all that you are and all that you do.Discover the freedom and impact God created you for. It starts with a truly Christian worldview. And its fruit is the undiluted gospel, powerful not only to save souls, but to restore them to a life that is truly worth living.Includes discussion/reflection questions after each chapter.

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