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Author(s): Gail Baker
Publisher: Resource Publications
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

When Baker yearns for something more, she discovers that the Christian message answers the deep yearning within each of us to resolve human suffering. Baker’s conversion is not a blinding-light epiphany, but a process spanning years of agonizing conflict, echoing twenty centuries of misunderstanding between Christians and Jews.
Living in the same city as her chagrined parents, she is forced to process difficulties related to family dynamics, group loyalty, and identity politics. Readers will be emboldened by Baker’s decision to follow Christ at the risk of rupturing ties with family and community. Her book will appeal to all who seek God’s guidance in making difficult life decisions.
This book is a must-read for Christians who wish to engage with their Jewish friends. The Jewish mindset is tenderly revealed, showing why so many Jews bristle at the mere mention of Jesus.

“Gail’s quest is honest and authentic. It’s easy to go along and accept what one’s been taught. She’s sought God on her own terms. It’s a path of discovery and only good things can come from it.”
–Hesh Epstein, Orthodox Rabbi


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