
Tag: Master Books

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Author(s): Bryan Osbourne & Bodie Hodge
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (April 14-15)
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Today the faith of Christians is being undermined daily. A relentless stream of secular attacks from supposedly solid science has put many Christians on the defensive.

Whether the argument is about evolution, history, or theology, every believer must be able to provide an answer for the hope that is within them. But you don’t have to be an expert to respond effectively when
confronted about your faith. Quick Answers to Tough Questions gives you quick and concise answers to the tough questions that are often posed to believers regarding:

– Creation and evolution
– Age of the earth and Noah’s Ark
– Death and suffering
– Origin of life and missing links.


Author(s): Carl Froede Jr.
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (April 1-2)
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– Presents and authoritative and biblical geological time-line for high school students and adults.
– Includes substantial illustrations, a glossary, and an extensive reference section.
– Clearly explains how data from volcanic deposits, seismic activity in Earth history, and even the presence of ripple marks in rock layers support the Bible as history.

From the acclaimed Creation Research Society, this technical study of rock strata, and the fossils found therein, gives a solidly scientific rationale for believing in a young earth. This advanced guide is ideal for upper-level homeschool students, college students, or anyone wishing to explore this fascinating subject in-depth and includes questions for review at the end of each chapter. Froede presents a credible geological time-line and explains the formation and existence of fossil layers in rock sediments around the world.


Author(s): Bodie Hodge & Roger Patterson
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 24-25)
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Religions of the Far East like Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age have been gaining a foothold in the Western world. We even see witchcraft on the rise and paganism infiltrating the minds of the next generation–even in Christian homes! Why is that? How can a Christian respond? We already know how the one true God has responded, and in this title you will learn:

– How a Christian can effectively witness for Christ
– How to refute these false religions
– What it truly is that these religions teach and why

The Christ follower should be set at ease knowing that all other gods are false as the all-knowing God of Scripture has revealed that He is the only God. Therefore, this volume dives into these styles of religions and looks at their origins and their basic tenets as well as why they fall so short.


Author(s): Dr Terry Mortenson
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 16-17)
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You can believe with great intellectual integrity what the Bible says about Adam and the origin and history of man.

THOUGH there are a growing number of books out on Adam, this one is unique with its multi-author combination of biblical, historical, theological, scientific, archaeological, and ethical arguments in support of believing in a literal Adam and the Fall. A growing number of professing evangelical leaders and scholars are doubting or denying a literal Adam and a literal Fall, which thereby undermines the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, who came to undo the damaging consequences of Adam’s sin and restore us to a right relationship with our Creator. This book will increase your confidence in the truth of Genesis 1–11 and the gospel:

– Enhance your understanding pertaining to the biblical evidence for taking Genesis as literal history
– Discover the scientific evidence from genetics, fossils, and human anatomy for the Bible’s teaching about Adam
– Understand the moral, spiritual, and gospel reasons why belief in a literal Adam and Fall are essential for Christian orthodoxy


Author(s): Jason Lisle
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 9-10)
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“This book is meant to be an introduction only – a starting point to a biblical view of the universe. . . . Who knows what amazing truths are waiting to be discovered if only the shackles of secular thinking are removed. Now is the time of discovery…”

Take a breathtaking look at the universe that is comprehensive guide to the heavens! Sit back and explore the world at your fingertips in this book which:

– Explains the scale and size of the universe that is hard for our minds to imagine – yet can only indicate the Master’s hand at work.
– Over 50 full-color, rarely seen photos of stars, nebulas, and galaxies.
– Filled with facts that challenge secular theories and models of the universe – how it began and how it continues to amaze the scientific community.
– Explores numerous evidences that point to a young universe: magnetic poles of planets, the spiral shape of galaxies, comets and how long scientists think they can last, and much more.


Author(s): Bodie Hodge
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Ever been asked, “Can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot lift it?” Your reply is a great opportunity to help someone receive a clearer understanding of who God is and perhaps even help lead him or her to Christ. Insights like this are what make this book so unique compared to other resources. These are real responses to real people, designed to provide information that will make aggressive critics take a step back, consider the truth, and perhaps learn about God along the way!

– Can be enjoyed by anyone from skeptics to Christians to scholars
– Replies to actual attacks from newspaper articles, blogs, debate boards, DVDs, and other sources
– Short, powerful responses to strengthen faith and develop a greater respect for God’s Word!

Whether you want to witness more effectively or give someone seeking truth a resource that will help, Confound the Critics is the perfect choice! And that big rock question? Make sure they are asking about the God of the Bible and then remind them God isn’t bound to the laws — like gravity — of the universe He created!

Author(s): John Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Feb 16-17)
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Is the earth billions of years old, or just thousands? Does it Matter?

Did God create our world in six literal days, or did it evolve on its own over countless eons of time? The age of the earth – a key question in the creation/evolution debate – has been portrayed as an issue of science versus religion, but is it really that simple?

The answers to these questions are vital to understanding not just earth science, but also the biblical record.

“The Young Earth scientifically examines the evidence to see what the earth actually reveals about itself. This classic and definitive work, newly revised and expanded, demonstrates that the Bible can be trusted in questions of science and history” – Dr. John Morris


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