
Tag: Master Books

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Author(s): Laura Welch
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Apr 26-27)
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The new Ark Encounter represents more than just a giant wooden ship — it reveals important details on how the systems within the Ark could have worked! Refuting the most common arguments against the viability of the Ark, we learn how ancient knowledge of bamboo pipes, cisterns, gears, ropes and pulleys, animal-powered machines, and more show how the ship was not just seaworthy, but an actual working vessel. The book also explores how a crew of just eight people could have housed, fed, and watered all of the representatives of the animal kinds. In this book you will learn:

– How critical issues of fresh water and waste removal might have been solved
– Labor-saving minimal designs to aid in the care of the animal kinds
– Historical efforts to determine feasible details of the Ark and its journey.


Author(s): Colin Gunn
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Apr 19-20)
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Why a growing number of parents choose not to send their children to public school.

The companion book to the award-winning documentary “IndoctrinNation”, this eye-opening book includes:

– An unforgettable introduction by a father who lost his son in the Columbine school massacre — “I put him in a pagan school where they teach there is no God.”
– 12 common reasons people give not to homeschool — and the manageable reality of this educational alternative
– Revealing, firsthand accounts of Christian educators working in public schools — sharing the struggles they face in a hostile system
– The classroom anti-Christian ideologies from humanism, marxism, utopianism, educational psychology, and more confronting students in public schools today

Look behind the comfortable myths of an educational system actively at work to alter your child’s moral values, worldview, and religious beliefs. Learn the history and philosophy of public school education — and discover it is based on neither Christian nor American values. Explore the biblical principles regarding education — and who is ultimately responsible for our children’s future.


Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Apr 6-7)
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In a society mired in godlessness and humanism, parents are given the high calling of raising children who will know the Truth, live the Truth, and take the Truth into the next generations. In Creation to Babel, today’s Christian family will find a unique commentary on Genesis 1 – 11 to ensure the biblical foundation is established in their children’s hearts.

Perfect for family devotions and Bible studies, Creation to Babel:


Author(s): Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 29-30)
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Evolution as an idea is considered a rock-solid truth among secular scientists, but when you begin looking at the evidence and asking simple questions, you find their conclusions to be just fragile assumptions, unproven myth, and outright misconceptions – like a glass house built on shifting sands.

– Discover the pervasive influences of the atheistic religion of Darwinian evolution
– Learn what science is and how science is actually devastating to evolution
– Explore how evolution developed from unproven science to a popular and cultural worldview

Now a powerful team of credentialed scientists, researchers, and Biblical apologists take on the pillars of evolution, and the truths they reveal decimate Darwin’s beliefs using a Biblical and logical approach to evidence.


Author(s):  A. Charles Ware & Ken Ham
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 22-23)
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Racism is a sin issue, not a skin issue. The consequences of racism on a personal and social level are appalling and in some situations even terrifying. Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, and Charles Ware address the horrors of racial discrimination with biblical truth and scientific proof that God created only one race.

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth…” (Acts 17:26 KJV)

Racism is a result of sin in a fallen world infused with evolutionary thinking. Explore the origin of people groups around the world and the science of genetics, melanin, and skin tone, all affected by the history of the Tower of Babel.

In One Race One Blood, Ken Ham and Charles Ware challenge the Church to move beyond the division of Darwinian “race” relations to the unity of grace relations. Loving relationships united by the Cross and governed by the Bible will lead to reconciliation. Such relationships among Christians across cultural and ethnic backgrounds are like a neon sign publicizing that grace has transformed and identified us as followers of Christ.


Author(s): Ray Comfort
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 1-2)
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From the pages of a long-hidden manuscript written by a man filled with disappointment and anger, you will discover the truth about Mark Twain’s embittered battle with God!

– Evidence in his work that proves he wasn’t an atheist
– Selections from his letters and popular works that reveal his confused faith
– Perspectives from Twain on God that echo modern criticism and doubts.

Twain was a very popular and gifted speaker with a carefully cultivated image. Few knew he secretly wrote a manuscript complaining bitterly about the God of the Bible, citing hypocrisy and cruelties, like there would be no sex in heaven. Twain decided to have his book published 100 years after his death in the hope that society would then be open-minded enough to listen.


Author(s): Steve Ham & Ken Ham
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Feb 22-23)
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Christian parents struggle to raise their children in a culture hostile to Christian values. A disturbing trend reveals young people leaving home and leaving the church. How can Christian parents prepare their children to stand firm on biblical principles?

Discover how to create an incredible faith legacy in your family! Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World presents empowering insight for:

Surviving the culture wars as a family

Employing the Bible as the ultimate parenting guide

Raising spiritually-healthy children

Solving the root cause of dysfunctional families


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