
Tag: Mark Hitchcock

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Author(s): Mark Hitchcock & Jeff Kinley
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.99       (Ends Feb 28)
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Global Reset will open readers’ eyes and alert them to how world leaders are using the “Great Reset” agenda to seize pandemics, natural disasters and catastrophes, civil disorder, political unrest, and other current events to reshape every facet of life—all pointing toward the universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist.

COVID unleashed a cascade of consequences that are now reaching far beyond the pandemic itself. Governments have begun leveraging the coronavirus and even the vaccine as a power grab, setting the stage for further intrusions in the future. These accelerants are driving the world to the precipice of fundamental, irreversible transformation. The winds of change are blowing. Tectonic shifts are underway at every level.

These realities are alarming by themselves. And yet, there remains a still deeper, more sinister agenda imbedded within. According to prophecies found in the Bible, a one-world government will indeed emerge in the end times. According to the book of Revelation, a future unified government will encompass the whole earth, and Satan himself will be behind it for the ultimate purpose of ruling over all the earth and being worshipped by its inhabitants. While we aren’t in the end times, we’re on the edge of the precipice. In Global Reset, readers will discover:


In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-Book cover.





Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.




Ends Aug 3

Ends Aug 3


Author(s): Mark Hitchcock
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (Ends May 31)
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The Threat of War with Iran Grows Day by Day

Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock, PhD, is noticing a dangerous trend: the nation of Iran remains in the newspaper headlines for all the wrong reasons. In Showdown with Iran, he reveals why this rogue nation is so dangerous and how that connects to what the Bible says about what’s to come while encouraging readers to remain alert, aware, and hopeful as the end times near. He tackles questions such as:

Does Iran still plan to wipe Israel off the map?
What does this mean for the future of the Middle East?
Where does Iran stand in Bible prophecy?
What will be the role of the United States in Bible prophecy?
The warning of what will happen is not new.

In the book of Ezekiel, the Bible records a multitude of predictions about the region then known as Persia as well as about the nation of Israel. These ancient prophecies foretell an end-time rise of Iran, as well as Russia and Turkey. But are the prophecies still unfulfilled today?

Hitchcock is convinced Iran continues to play a central role in bringing about chaos in the Middle East. In Showdown with Iran, he explores the continued validity and accuracy of end-time prophecy and answers questions that will become increasingly relevant as the end times draw near.


Author(s): Mark Hitchcock
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

In Corona Crisis, professor Mark Hitchcock shares how the current coronavirus outbreak is related to the vivid, end-time biblical prophecies about plagues, pestilences, and pandemics.

Jesus listed “pestilences in various places” as a sign of his coming (Luke 21:11).
In the prophecy of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the fourth rider kills one-fourth of the earth with pestilence and the “wild beasts of the earth.”

Many believe that “wild beasts” refers to plagues that come from animals, as we’ve seen in recent decades with AIDS, SARS, MERS, the bird flu and swine flu, and now COVID-19.

Hitchcock believes the coronavirus is not the fulfillment of these events that will occur during the tribulation period but a foreshadowing of what lies ahead. Corona Crisis puts the current situation in perspective in relation to previous plagues, like the Spanish flu, while giving an overview of the major signs of the end times.

The book also discusses how the rise of globalism contributes to the spread of plagues. In our global environment, events can happen suddenly that send shock waves around the world.


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