
Tag: Let the Journey Begin

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Author(s): Allan Rodney Tilley
Publisher: N/A
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

You may ask the question from the title, “Why 38 Days of Christmas?” I am sure you thought it should be the 12 days of Christmas from the songs and stories that are told and sung during the Christmas Season, or my have thought that even with the addition of the Advent Season, we still would only have a month of Christmas, but in reality, not so. We must understand that Christmas really takes you out of one year and into the next, for you will find that in the Western tradition we celebrate Christmas at the end of the year, however in the Eastern traditions of the church, Christmas in at the beginning of the year. The Christmas dates in December in the West and the one in January in the Eastern Church calendar actually make more sense for then Christ’s birth is the ending of it all and the beginning of everything. He is the “Alpha and the Omega,” the beginning and the end, and he asks us to join him for both celebrations. In a series of stories taken from personal experiences in the West, the Middle East, and Far East, the devotional will lead you on a journey that explores Christmas from various perspectives and will widen your horizons on the meaning of Christmas. It will help you to understand some of the nuances that make have escaped your thinking, andCh this book will enhance your walk in this journey through the Christmas season and beyond. Therefore, join me for the “38′ days of Christmas. It is a journey, a pilgrimage of the old and new, with some fresh starts and with some finishes, and with some challenges along the way. Have an eager open heart and you will find that the road to Christ, whether you start in Bethlehem with the shepherds, or you start with the Magi from the East, you will arrive in awe and with gratitude for all that Christ’s birth means to you. We are on a road for 38 days that leads to the Christ-child, and as we walk along the way, we will find that there is “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men” as we study each day a devotional that will uplift your heart and renew your spirit.

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