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Author(s): Karen Wingate
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 25-26)
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What miracles do we miss when we close our eyes to the wonder of everyday moments?

In this busy, jaded world of ours, we often take for granted what we see every day. We may set aside time to spend with God in a quiet room, but we struggle to see his hand in a traffic jam or while walking the dog. But for Karen Wingate, sight itself is something extraordinary, and what our eyes can reveal is even more astounding.

Karen lived most of her life with severely limited sight due to a cluster of disorders stemming from a genetic defect. But through the chance outcome of a surgery, she regained sight in one eye that doubled her visual acuity–and allowed her to see things she had never seen before. And as she discovered a more detailed world for the first time, she also began to see God in every new discovery–from the prosaic numbers of a bathroom scale to the glory of sunsets.


Author(s): Edward M. Curtis & David M. Howard
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 18-19)
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The Wisdom Literature of the Bible (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs) is filled with practical principles for everyday life. While some Christians are deterred by the pragmatic character of these matter-of-fact guidelines, they are as integral to God’s purposes for His people as the explicitly theological material that dominates other parts of Scripture. The Wisdom books tie these two streams of God’s revelation together in a way that enriches and strengthens the church.

It is a thorough resource for pastors and teachers to help them navigate the sometimes bewildering waters of the Wisdom Literature.

Author(s): Kim Ketola
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 11-12)
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Abortion continues to be a hot topic in politics, women’s rights, and medical practice. But for the eight to ten million American Christian women who have had one, abortion is a spiritual issue as well, raising questions of life and death, heaven and hell, grief and loss.

Author(s): Shannon Popkin
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 4-5)
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“In a sideways-glancing, elbow-jamming, status-grasping culture, Comparison Girl supplies an upside-down approach to an age-old problem.”–KATIE M. REID, author of Made Like Martha

Do you constantly compare yourself with others? On social media, in your neighborhood, at church, or in the school drop-off lane, do you push yourself to prove that you measure up . . . and then feel ashamed when you don’t? Measuring yourself against others isn’t healthy. And it isn’t God’s plan. In fact, the way of Jesus is completely upside down from this measure-up world. He invites us to follow him and be restored to freedom, confidence, and joy.

Join Shannon Popkin as she shares what she has discovered about her own measure-up fears and get-ahead pride. With her trademark humor and straightforward honesty, she’s created this six-week Bible study to explore the conversations Jesus had and the stories he shared with people who–like us–were comparing themselves.

Leave measure-up comparison behind and connect with those around you by choosing Jesus’s me-free way of living: lifting others up and pouring yourself out!


Author(s): Ron Sandison
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 12-13)
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A remarkable inside look at the intersection of faith and autism for parents longing to connect their children with God’s love

Raising a child with autism is both a challenge and an adventure–and sometimes parents need to know there can also be wonderful potential for blessings. Views from the Spectrum shares the inspiring stories of twenty amazing young adults with autism and how each of their family’s unwavering support and faith in God led them to accomplish what was thought impossible. As a thriving adult with autism himself, Ron Sandison is determined to educate the world on the gifts and talents autism can cultivate–even when they differ from our expectations of typical success.

While it is primarily a much-needed how-to guide for parents of children with special needs, this book is also a stunning view into the world of autism. Readers will witness the courage of Tyler Gianchetta, who rescued his mother from a burning vehicle. They’ll marvel at the artistic talent of nonverbal poet and artist Kimberly Dixon, admire the determination of Armani Williams, competing as a NASCAR driver, and find encouragement in the many other stories within these pages. In addition to these experiences, Sandison has also interviewed top experts in the autism field and shares their insights here.


Author(s): Clint & Penny A. Bragg
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 5-6)
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Discover the unique mission God has for each marriage–and how to achieve it

There are countless marriage books telling couples how to be married–but where are the ones teaching them how to seek and serve God together? Clint and Penny Bragg believe that, just as every individual has a calling from God, every marriage has a specific mission. In Your Marriage, God’s Mission, the Braggs demonstrate how to discover that mission by discovering more of Him.

In this weekly guide for couples, the authors help couples begin a spiritual journey over an extended period of time. Readers will learn to engage together by writing a joint marriage mission statement. They’ll examine the seven pillars of marriage, learn to safeguard their relationship from division, and awaken to the need for humility and servant leadership in all facets of their marriage. The Braggs help readers to implement innovative ideas to deepen the intimacy in their relationship and to recognize how God’s mission unfolds over time.

Informal and practical, with stories from hard-won experience and links to videos of the authors and other couples teaching the content, this book is a fresh look at how couples can learn to intentionally seek God and encounter Him together.


Author(s):  Jonathon M. Seidl
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 22-23)
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“Jon knows, better than most, what it means to battle anxiety and how to forge a path to victory. He also treats it with care, and pushes the conversation to places that it hasn’t often gone in the church.”
–Kirk Cameron

In the aftermath of the pandemic, even those who have never struggled with mental health have found themselves reeling, looking for answers they don’t know how to find. For Christians, especially those who’ve despaired of help from a church that has too often stigmatized poor mental health as a lack of faith, the way forward can be particularly difficult to see.

Jonathon Seidl aims to fix that. Having fought his own way through crippling anxiety, life-altering OCD, and suicidal thoughts, he knows the value of concrete advice grounded in strong biblical truth. Instead of the trite or unsympathetic counsel that’s too often given, Finding Rest is practical, personal, and productive. Full of compelling stories, humor from a guide who’s still on his journey, and scriptural truths, this book offers real hope and help. It also provides a lifeline for friends and family who long for ways to help relieve the suffering of their loved ones. And it calls to account the church for its historical treatment of mental health and lays out thoughtful, needed paths for the body of Christ to become a refuge of hope for the anxious.


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