
Tag: Kregel Academic

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Author(s): Jared Compton & Andrew David Naselli
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Feb 15-16)
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A comparison of three major views on the relationship between Israel and the church

The relationship between Israel and the church is a long-standing debate in Christian theology, and Romans 9–11 are the most important chapters for understanding it. How one interprets these chapters determines how one understands biblical theology, how the New Testament uses the Old Testament, and how the old and new covenants are related.

To help readers draw their own conclusion, four leading scholars on this issue present a case for their viewpoint, followed by a response and critique from the others. Michael Vlach argues for a future mass conversion and a role for ethnic Israel in the church. Fred Zaspel and Jim Hamilton present a case for a future mass conversion that does not include a role for ethnic Israel. And Benjamin Merkle contends that Romans 9-11 promises neither a future mass conversion nor a role for ethnic Israel.

General editor Andrew David Naselli helpfully sets the debate in its larger biblical-theological context in the introduction, while Jared Compton provides a useful summary of the views and interactions at the end of the volume.


Author(s): Benjamin Merkle
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99        (Jan 18-19)
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Organized around common FAQs, 40 Questions About Elders and Deacons tackles the major questions that pastors, church leaders, and students ask about congregational church government, a topic of significant interest in the church today. It provides readers with a clear analysis of key biblical passages and succinct answers (4-8 pages each). The unique format of the book allows readers to pick and choose what issues are most pertinent to their interests and needs. Thought-provoking discussion questions for each topic make it ideal for either personal or church-wide study.

Author(s): Michael F. Bird & Scott Harrower
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Dec 21-22)
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A defense of equality among the persons of the Trinity

In response to those complementarian theologians who assert that the Son is eternally subordinate to the Father, the contributors to Trinity Without Hierarchy contend that this view misconstrues the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity and reduces the Son to a lower level of glory and majesty than the Father. Surveying Scripture, church history, and theology, sixteen contributors present a defense of the full and equal authority of all three members of the Trinity while critiquing approaches that border on semi-Arianism. In particular, the creedal confessions of Nicaea are upheld as the historical standard by which any proposed Trinitarian doctrine should be judged.

While some contributors hold complementarian and others egalitarian viewpoints, all agree that Trinitarian relations are not a proper basis for understanding gender roles. Trinity Without Hierarchy is indispensable reading for anyone interested in the current debate over the relationship between Trinitarian theology and the roles of men and women.


Author(s): Matthew Bennett
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Nov 23-24)
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A much anticipated new addition to the very popular and practical book series that answers real questions on key topics in contemporary Christianity

Islam is one of the most significant forces shaping the world today, but most Christians are confused about its key beliefs and practices. Many wonder about the apparent similarities and obvious differences between Christianity and Islam, and want to reach out to Muslim friends or neighbors with the gospel but don’t know where to begin. Having spent several years living in North Africa and the Middle East, missions professor Matthew Bennett guides readers through Islam’s key tenants and provides answers to critical questions, such as:
•Who was Muhammad and what was his message?
•Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
•What are the differences between the Qur’an and the Bible?
•What is shariah law?
•What is the Islamic view of salvation?
•What happens in the mosque?
•Is Islam inherently misogynistic?
•Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
•How should a Christian share the gospel with Muslims?
•Helpful summaries at the end of each chapter encapsulate important information, followed by discussion questions useful for personal or small-group study. Whether you want to understand Islam better or reach Muslims for Christ, 40 Questions on Islam is an indispensable primer and reference book.


Author(s): Sandra Glahn
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Aug 24-25)
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Gain a greater understanding of gender in the Bible through the eyes of a diverse group of evangelical scholars who assert that Christians have missed the point of some scriptural stories by assuming the women in them were “bad girls.”

Did the Samaritan woman really divorce five husbands in a world where women rarely divorced even one? Did Bathsheba seduce King David by bathing in the nude? Was Mary Magdalene really a reformed prostitute?

While many have written studies of the women in the Bible, this is a new kind of book–one in which an international team of male and female scholars look afresh at vilified and neglected women in the Bible. The result is a new glimpse into God’s heart for anyone, male or female, who has limited social power.


Author(s): Alan W. Gomes
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Aug 10-11)
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In 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell, Alan Gomes surveys the Old and New Testaments to present a comprehensive picture of the afterlife. The question-and-answer format makes it easy to find answers to specific questions on heaven, hell, the intermediate state, the final judgment, and life in eternity. Readers will find solid answers to many vital questions:

What should we conclude about those who claim to have seen heaven or hell?
Is it possible for us to communicate with the dead?
Is there such a place as purgatory?
What will our resurrected bodies be like?
What will we do in the eternal state?
Will there be animals in the eternal state?
What is hell like?
How can a God of love send people to an eternal hell?
Did Jesus “descend into hell” like the Apostles’ Creed says?

Study notes point to additional resources for learning, and reflection questions at the end of each chapter make the book ideal for small group studies.


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