
Tag: Ken Ham

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Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Congratulations, You’re Gonna Be a Dad!: What’s Ahead from A to Z for First-Time Fathers by Paul Pettit vs. The Single Dad Detour by Tez Brooks

Intervarsity Press: A Little Book for New Philosophers: Why and How to Study Philosophy (Little Books) by Paul Copan vs. Prelude to Philosophy: An Introduction for Christians by Mark W. Foreman

New Leaf: The New Answers Book 2 by Ken Ham vs. The New Answers Book 3 by Ken Ham

Good Book Company: Pray Big: Learn to Pray Like an Apostle by Alistair Begg vs. Need to Know: Your Guide to the Christian Life by Gary Millar

Harvest House: The Bondage Breaker® by Neil T. Anderson vs. How to Break a Stubborn Habit by Erwin W. Lutzer

Christian Focus: Get Preaching: All–Age Services by Nathan Burley, Julian Milson, and Nigel Styles vs. Get Preaching: Preaching the Cross by Nigel Styles

Reformation Heritage: Living in a Godly Marriage by Joel R. Beeke & James A. La Belle vs. One Man and One Woman: Marriage and Same-Sex Relations by Joel R. Beeke & Paul M. Smalley

Author(s): Ken Ham & A. Charles Ware
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Racism is a sin issue, not a skin issue. The consequences of racism on a personal and social level are appalling and in some situations even terrifying. Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, and Charles Ware address the horrors of racial discrimination with biblical truth and scientific proof that God created only one race.

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth…” (Acts 17:26 KJV)

Racism is a result of sin in a fallen world infused with evolutionary thinking. Explore the origin of people groups around the world and the science of genetics, melanin, and skin tone, all affected by the history of the Tower of Babel.

In One Race One Blood, Ken Ham and Charles Ware challenge the Church to move beyond the division of Darwinian “race” relations to the unity of grace relations. Loving relationships united by the Cross and governed by the Bible will lead to reconciliation. Such relationships among Christians across cultural and ethnic backgrounds are like a neon sign publicizing that grace has transformed and identified us as followers of Christ.

Christian families and churches will find solid, biblical answers to combat the hatred fueling personal prejudices and race-related riots. This essential book will inspire the hearts of believers to overcome evil with good and make the 21st century a generation of reconciliation.


Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (June 3-4)
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– Discover how many evangelical leaders, willingly or unwittingly, are undermining the authority of God’s Word by compromising the Bible in Genesis
– Learn how allowing for an old/universe of billions of years unlocks a door of compromise
– Heed the wake-up call to the Church to return to the authority of God’s Word, beginning in Genesis.

Today, most Bible colleges, seminaries, K-12 Christian schools, and now even parts of the homeschool movement do not accept the first eleven chapters of Genesis as literal history. They try to fit the supposed billions of years into Genesis, and some teach evolution as fact. Our churches are largely following suit.

Ken Ham, an international speaker and author on biblical authority, examines how compromise starting in Genesis, particularly in regard to the six days of creation and the earth’s age, have filtered down from the Bible colleges and seminaries to pastors—and finally to parents and their children.

This erosive legacy is seen in generations of young people leaving the Church—2/3 of them. Get the facts, discover God’s truth, and help bring a new reformation to the Church by helping to call it back to the authority of God’s Word.


Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: The Tender Scar by Richard L. Mabry vs. Cancer, Faith, and Unexpected Joy by Becky Baudouin

Intervarsity Press: The Spirit of Methodism: From the Wesleys to a Global Communion by Jeffrey W. Barbeau vs. Wesley and the Anglicans: Political Division in Early Evangelicalism by Ryan Nicholas Danker

New Leaf: Six Days: The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church by Ken Ham vs. The Lie: Evolution (Revised & Expanded) Special 25th Anniversary Edition by Ken Ham

Good Book Company: John 13-21 For You: Revealing the way of True Glory (God’s Word For You) by Josh Moody vs. John 1-12 For You: Find Deeper Fulfillment as you Meet the Word (God’s Word For You) by Josh Moody

Harvest House: Grit and Grace: Devotions for Warrior Moms by Suzanne Hadley Gosselin & Gretta Kennedy vs. A Mom After God’s Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children by Elizabeth George

Christian Focus: The Land of the Book: Scottish Christianity in a Year of Quotes vs. John Knox: Fearless Faith by Steven J. Lawson

Reformation Heritage: An All-Surpassing Fellowship: Learning from Robert Murray M‘Cheyne’s Communion with God by David P. Beaty vs. The Foundation of Communion with God: The Trinitarian Piety of John Owen by Ryan M. McGraw

Author(s): Ken Ham with Jeff Kinley
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Mar 25-26)
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The Church is in danger of losing future generations, but only if we fail to understand the problem and don’t engage them with Bible teaching that does not compromise! This powerful conclusion to Ken Ham’s best-selling Already Gone and Already Compromised series offers parents, pastors and Christian educators the information and help they need to reach teens and millennials in a way that cements their Christian faith.

In Ready to Return, Ken Ham presents alarming statistics revealing the reasons young Christians leave the church and their Christian faith. Discover…

Why this is happening, and more importantly, what can be done about it to help bring back a godly generation

New persuasive research that clearly reveals shocking details about views on the Church and faith by people in their 20s, known as millennials


Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: 13 Crucial Questions Jesus Wants to Ask You by Tom Carter vs. The Parables of Jesus: Lessons in Life from the Master Teacher by J. Dwight Pentecost

Intervarsity Press: The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate by John H. Walton vs. The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate by John H. Walton

New Leaf: Ready to Return: Bringing Back the Church’s Lost Generation by Ken Ham with Jeff Kinley vs. Already Gone by Ken Ham & Britt Beemer

Good Book Company: Sunny Side Up: The breakfast Conversation that could Change your Life by Dan DeWitt vs. Living without Worry: How to Replace Anxiety with Peace (Live Different) by Timothy Lane

Christian Focus: Chosen in Christ: Revisiting the Contours of Predestination by Cornelis P. Venema vs. God Willing: Divine Conduct or The Mystery of Providence (Grace Essentials) by John Flavel

Reformation Heritage: Planting, Watering, Growing: Planting Confessionally Reformed Churches in the 21st Century by Daniel R. Hyde & Shane Lems vs. Thoughts on Preaching and Pastoral Ministry: Lessons from the Life and Writings of James W. Alexander by James M. Garretson

Author(s): Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Dec 11-12)
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Today there are untold voices in print, on television, and online calling for our attention, and so many of these mock or belittle our faith. From coworkers to those calling themselves Christians, the tone has become one of reproach, disparaging the character of God and undermining the authority of the Bible. For those who have a heart for God, it can be intimidating and discouraging.

How Do We Know the Bible Is True? is based on the absolute authority of God’s Word, not man-centered explanations. Clearly presented, it will help bring clarity in a world filled with increasingly vague notions of truth. Over 20 relevant issues are discussed including:

Is the Bible totally without error?
Did the resurrection really happen?
How do we know that the 66 books of the Bible are from God?
Does the Bible contradict itself?
How were people saved before Jesus came?
What is the purpose and meaning of life?
Did miracles really happen?
Was Genesis derived from ancient myths?
How should we interpret the Bible; should Genesis be literal?
Do you have to believe in a young earth to be saved?
Within these pages you will find responses to those honest questions of faith, helping to build confidence in God’s Word and inspiring your daily walk in His grace and peace.

These powerful biblical insights are soundly presented by more than a dozen respected defenders of the faith, including Ken Ham, John MacArthur, Terry Mortenson, Jason Lisle, Brian Edwards, Tommy Mitchell, Jobe Martin, Georgia Purdom, Bodie Hodge, and Roger Patterson.


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