
Tag: Jeremy M. Kimble

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Author(s): Jeremy M. Kimble
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 10-11)
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The Bible is not merely for information but for being saved by God and changed through his words

Believers know the Bible is powerful–but how so? And how does God save people and transform lives through Scripture? Author and theology professor Jeremy M. Kimble integrates an evangelical doctrine of Scripture with a robust, coherent practice of engaging with Scripture.

Behold and Become contends that the Bible, which is God’s self-revelation, coupled with the Spirit, works to produce salvation and growth in godliness. Believers will see how sound beliefs about Scripture correspond with practices that allow for God’s transforming work, such as:
• How the Bible’s inerrancy demands our careful attention to the biblical authors as theologians
• How the Bible’s efficacy operates within the doctrines of the triune God and the church
• How the Bible’s authority directs our focus toward who God is and how he acts in the world


Author(s): Jeremy M. Kimble
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Sept 6-7)
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Addresses forty of the most common and thorny questions about church life

Does church membership mean more than simply joining a social group? Does the church have a responsibility to discipline its members–and if so, what does that look like? Recognizing the many puzzling questions about the critical role of the church in the life of believers, Jeremy Kimble addresses forty key points.

Each section considers questions of theology, ministry, and practicality, such as:
Is there a New Testament precedent for membership?
How does membership relate to baptism and communion?
Who should become a member?
How is discipline related to discipleship?
Should a believer associate with someone under church discipline?

Like the other volumes in the 40 Questions & Answers Series, this book raises–and clearly answers–the most common and difficult questions that church leaders and members have. With succinct chapters, this is an eminently practical resource for any church leader, elder board, or new member seeking a foundational understanding of how the church should function.


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Book details:

Kregel: 40 Questions about Church Membership and Discipline (40 Questions & Answers Series) by Jeremy M. Kimble vs. 40 Questions About the Great Commission by Daniel L. Akin, Benjamin L. Merkle, George G. Robinson

Intervarsity Press: Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul: Nine Questions for the Spiritually Formed Pastor by Tim Morey vs. Starting Missional Churches: Life with God in the Neighborhood by Mark Branson & Nicholas Warnes

Reformation Heritage: The Works of William Perkins, Volume 3 by William Perkins vs. The Works of William Perkins Volume 4 by William Perkins

New Leaf: The New Answers Book 1 by Ken Ham vs. The New Answers Book 4 by Ken Ham

Good Book Company: John 13-21 For You: Revealing the way of True Glory (God’s Word For You) by Josh Moody vs. 90 Days in John 14-17, Romans & James: Wisdom for the Christian life by Timothy Keller & Sam Allberry

Crossway: Weep with Me: How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation by Mark Vroegop vs. Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian by John Piper

Christian Focus: Helping the Suffering: Autobiographical Reflections on Supporting Those in Pain by James Muldoon & Jennie Muldoon vs. He Will Hold Me Fast: A Journey with Grace through Cancer by Connie Dever

David C. Cook: The Face of the Deep: Experiencing the Beautiful Mystery of Life with the Spirit by Paul J. Pastor vs. Astonished: Recapturing the Wonder, Awe, and Mystery of Life with God by Mike Erre

jonathan edwardsEditor(s): Nathan A. Finn & Jeremy M. Kimble
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 19-20)
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Jonathan Edwards—widely considered one the most important theologians in American history—has influenced generation after generation with his transcendent vision of our great and glorious God. But reading his writings for the first time can be a daunting task.

Here to be your trustworthy guides are some of the very best interpreters of Edwards, who walk you through his most important works with historical context, strategies for reading, and contemporary application—launching you into a lifetime of discovering Edwards’s God-centered vision of the Christian life for yourself.

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