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Author(s): Scot McKnight
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

World-renowned New Testament scholar offers a straightforward examination of what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

Who exactly is the Holy Spirit? What does he do in our lives? How can we know him more deeply, and is it possible to tap into his power? Should we pray to the Holy Spirit? Is it possible to be aware of his promptings and speaking into our lives? Dr. Scot McKnight answers these questions and more in this comprehensive examination of what the Bible says about this divinely important, but often confusing member of the Trinity. 

This is the third work in a three-part series examining some of the more mysterious components of the Christian faith. Scot’s The Heaven Promise examines the afterlife. The Hum of Angels elucidates the Bible’s teaching on God’s supernatural messengers and protectors. Now, Open to the Spirit examines the most mysterious member of the Trinity.

Scot blogs at Patheos, a large multi-perspective blog format. It serves many influential voices from many faith and non-faith traditions. Scot’s blog draws primarily a Christian readership; one that is looking for intellectual engagement and thoughtful analysis of Scripture, Theology, and Culture.

Author(s): Philip Wagner
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
Price: $1.99       (Ends Sept 1)
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Life Can Be Hard.
Dream Anyway!

“God gave you a specific desire, an assignment to complete, and it’s something that will be larger than you, but it’s something that will fulfill you completely. He allows us to be a part of His redeeming work, bringing a lost world back into communion with Him. God has a dream for our world, for humanity, and He has a dream for you and me. We have the capacity to reach those dreams, but it’s crucial that our desires lead us to the God-dream for our lives… Our greatest pursuit will be that dream.”   —Philip Wagner
Your dreams are calling. Will you answer?
We all dream. The capacity for dreaming and pursuing those dreams is a gift given to every individual. But many people cannot even begin to describe their dreams, much less figure out how to bring them to fruition in the face of frustrating obstacles, distractions, and setbacks.
In Unlock Your Dream Philip Wagner will inspire you to engage in life’s greatest quest: discovering and reaching God’s purpose and dreams for your life. You’ll be empowered, equipped, and freed to give life to your dreams and to live with joy and expectation for an adventurous future.

Why Are You Really Here?

This question reveals the deepest longing of the human heart—a desire for meaning and significance. We recognize that we are on this earth for a purpose. Discovering that purpose is our life’s work and the key to unlocking our greatest dreams.
With contagious passion and humor, Philip Wagner blends biblical truths and real-world insights to invite you to:
* Reach beyond the ordinary to find the extraordinary gifts God has given you
* Disentangle yourself from lesser goals and embrace a God-size dream
* Navigate inevitable setbacks, disappointments, and distractions
* Build the ultimate team to energize your dreams with support and encouragement
* Discover your true calling and forge a unique path to an adventurous life
Whether you’re a student, a parent, or a professional—no matter your background or your life’s current season—it’s never too early or too late to uncover your God-given purpose and move boldly in the direction of your dreams!

Author(s): Larry Crabb
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Forever change the way you look 

at the Bible . . . and your own life

Have you ever read the Bible only to come away confused? Ever wondered if God actually had you in mind when He began telling His story?

Though life may not be going according to your plan, God has another one, far better than you can imagine. From Genesis to Revelation, experience His invitation to get you dancing with joy.

In 66 Love Letters Larry Crabb offers a fresh, relational look at Scripture:

“When you finish reading my first love letter to you, I want you to realize that I never underestimated how thoroughly you’d mess up your life or how painfully you would struggle and suffer, and I don’t want you to underestimate your failures or struggles either. They’re all part of the story I’m telling. “But neither have I underestimated my determination or ability to enter both the mess you’ve made and the pain you feel, then turn everything around. I can, and I will make everything good again. Never underestimate me.”

Larry’s intimate conversation with God asks deeply honest questions such as:

  • “God, what is it you wanted me to see in Obadiah?”
  •  “And what’s up with Leviticus? Is there anything there for me?”
  •  “This one verse in Galatians has always frustrated me. Why is that?”
  •  “The way you wrote Revelation makes it difficult to understand—why didn’t you just describe what will happen in a straightforward way?”

Listen to the story of God unfold through these chapters, and you’ll find not only His redeeming love but His plan and provision designed especially for you.

Editor(s): Gary M. Burge & David Lauber
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $4.99       (Aug 15-20)
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Everyone has questions about God and what matters most in life. When we ask those questions, we are asking about theology.

  • Isnt talk about God really a guessing game?
  • What good is the Old Testament?
  • How can we have free will if God controls everything?
  • The virgin birth. Really?
  • What does an earthquake say about God?
  • Is the Holy Spirit still at work in churches today?
  • What did Jesus think about getting married?
  • Does being a Christian mean having particular political views?

While books about doctrine supply description and analysis of the classic questions of the faith, they often miss the contemporary questions on the minds of readers. This book fills that gap. Organized around the key topics of Jesus, the Bible, church, the Holy Spirit, evil, salvation and hope, the sometimes-provocative questions on these topics aim to ring true with the lived experience of real people. Even more, they look to inspire reflection, debate, disagreement, and above all, engagement in what the Christian faith is all about.

Author(s): J. I. Packer
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is not really sovereign at all?
J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In a careful review of the biblical evidence, he shows how a right understanding of God’s sovereignty is not so much a barrier to evangelism as an incentive and powerful support for it.
With over 100,000 copies in print, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God is truly a classic that should be read by every Christian.

Author(s): D. James Kennedy & Jerry Newcombe
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Ends Aug 18)
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God has not left Himself without a witness, nor is there anywhere on earth where His fingerprints are absent.

“Truly, you are a God who hides yourself, O God of Israel, the Savior.” –Isaiah 45:15

Where is God? Why does He seem absent? Is He hiding?

Some people think so… but the problem lies with them, not with God. To the unrighteous, God is absent–or worse, if He is there at all, He is cruel. But to the righteous, God is clearly present.

The great Christian thinker Blaise Pascal wrote, “What can be seen on earth indicates neither the total absence of God nor his manifest presence, but rather the presence of a hidden God.” In other words, to those who are spiritually blind, God may seem hidden. But to those whose eyes He has opened, God is not hidden at all. He has clearly revealed Himself in Jesus Christ.

In The Presence of a Hidden God–completed just before his untimely passing–beloved pastor and teacher Dr. D. James Kennedy and co-author Jerry Newcombe provide the biblical assurance and helpful insight you’re seeking to build your faith in the living God. Dr. Kennedy knew–as you will soon discover–that if we seek God with all our hearts, we will find Him indeed.

apostolic church plantingAuthor(s): J. D. Payne
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99       (Aug 1-2)
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Church planting is not just about gathering new communities of people who are already Christians. In the book of Acts, church plants begin with sharing the gospel. Planting churches flows naturally out of making disciples.

Pastor J. D. Payne explains the process and stages of church planting, with biblical foundations and practical steps for planting teams. He provides a pathway for the multiplication of disciples, leaders, and churches. Here are church planting strategies and activities that are simple, highly reproducible and can be implemented by ordinary team members, not just by charismatic leaders.

This guide can be used for planting in contexts among any given people group, domestically or internationally. It is an ideal resource for teams to work through together as they follow God’s call in their community.

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