
Tag: George Whitefield

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Vote Now (Choose the Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: 21 Things God Never Said: Correcting Our Misconceptions About Evangelism by R. Larry Moyer vs. Show Me How to Share the Gospel by R. Larry Moyer
Crossway: George Whitefield: God’s Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century by Arnold A. Dallimore vs. Seeing Beauty and Saying Beautifully: The Power of Poetic Effort in the Work of George Herbert, George Whitefield, and C. S. Lewis by John Piper
New Leaf: Taking the World for Jesus: The Remarkable Story of the Greatest Commission by Kevin Swanson vs. Why Won’t They Listen?: The Power of Creation Evangelism by Ken Ham
Intervarsity Press: The God Conversation: Using Stories and Illustrations to Explain Your Faith by J. P. Moreland & Tim Muehlhoff  vs. Telling the Gospel Through Story: Evangelism That Keeps Hearers Wanting More by Christine Dillon
Christian Focus: Rewriting Gender?: You, Your Family, Transgenderism and the Gospel by David Martin vs. The Grand Design: Male and Female He Made Them by Owen Strachan & Gavin Peacock
Reformation Heritage: Teaching Predestination: Elnathan Parr and Pastoral Ministry in Early Stuart England by David H. Kranendonk vs. The Spiritual Brotherhood: Cambridge Puritans and the Nature of Christian Piety by Paul R. Schaefer Jr.

Vote Now (Choose the Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Jesus Our Lord: 24 Portraits of Christ Throughout Scripture by John Phillips  vs. The View from Mount Calvary: 24 Portraits of the Cross Throughout Scripture by John Phillips
Crossway: Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus by J. Mack Stiles vs. Learning Evangelism from Jesus by Jerram Barrs
New Leaf: Remote Control: The Power of Hollywood on Today’s Culture by Carl Kerby vs. Creation and the Second Coming by Henry M. Morris
Intervarsity Press: Unceasing Worship: Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts by Harold M. Best vs. The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World by Sandra Maria Van Opstal
Christian Focus: George Whitefield: The Evangelist by John Pollock vs. George Whitefield: The Voice that Woke the World (Trailblazers) by Lucille Travis
Reformation Heritage: The Christian’s Creed: Embracing the Apostolic Faith by Stanley D. Gale vs. A Sketch of the Christian’s Catechism by William Ames

Sermon Classics by Great PreachersCompiler(s): Peter E. Gunther
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

From John Wesley’s message of God’ love for fallen man to R. A. Torrey’s heartfelt tribute to John 3:16, Peter F. Gunther has compiled a collection of classic sermons that spans three centuries.

The effects of these dynamic sermons, preached by men like D. L. Moody, George Whitefield, and Charles Haddon Spurgeon, touched not only individual lives, but also entire cities and nations for the Lord.

An introduction to each sermon gives insight into each preacher and the events that provided the backdrop to his message. D. L. Moody looks back on the great Chicago fire and a sermon that broke his heart. Jonathan Edwards brought the town of Enfield, Connecticut to its knees with his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

Part of this collection includes:

“The Fire Sermon” by D. L. Moody
“God’s Love to Fallen Man” by John Wesley
“Fury Not in God” by Thomas Chalmers
“Accidents, Not Punishments” by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“A Living Stone” by Handley C. G. Moule

Their message, as true today as it was then, still convicts, encourages, and inspires a new generation of people who hunger after the living God.

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