
Tag: Focus on the Family

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Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $2.99       (Ends Feb 28)
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Live confidently in your authority as a kingdom man.

For too long, men have sat on the sideline of life. But God intends for us to get into the game. We’ve been content with mediocre while God calls us to greatness. The path to a better world and a better future for our families and communities begins at our door. We need to take hold of our biblical anointing and become spiritually strong men sold out for the kingdom of God.

Dr. Tony Evans, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and senior pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Texas, calls men to biblical manhood. He exhorts you to grab hold of your dominion, exercise the authority God has given you, and fulfill your role to provide leadership and mirror God’s character.


Author(s): Ted Cunningham
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

One of the secrets of a great marriage is laughing together. Couples don’t need to choose between work and play, duty and fun, laughter and responsibility. This book will help couples learn how to use fun, humor, and laughter to lighten the load of everyday life, reduce stress, and grow closer together.

The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex
Clifford L. Penner & Joyce J. Penner
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Keep the sizzle in your marriage.
Sex matters in a marriage—a lot! Yet many men secretly wonder: Is she really satisfied? What do we do when our desires don’t match? How can we get back the passion we used to feel? The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex will tell you what you really want to know: how to make sex meaningful to your wife, build desire, get past sexual problems, and enjoy guilt-free sex.

Noted sex therapists Clifford and Joyce Penner also unveil the mystery of “what women want” and how simple it is to boost your love life by letting your wife lead. Their candid, clear style will encourage you to make great sex happen—or happen more often—in your marriage.

This title is a repackage of The Way to Love Your Wife, and is a companion to the new title Enjoy: God’s Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women, also by the Penners.

Enjoy!: The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women
Joyce J. Penner & Clifford L. Penner
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Do you want a stronger, more exciting sex life with your husband? As a married woman, you have the power to increase sexual fulfillment for you and your husband—if you aren’t stymied by false assumptions about a wife’s role in sex.

In Enjoy: The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women, Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner dispel assumptions that can keep women from accepting and expressing their God-given sexuality in marriage. After more than forty years as sex therapists and educators, the Penners have learned what helps couples build lasting, mutually enjoyable sex in marriage. Their knowledge is culled from the stories of thousands of individuals and couples who sought help with frustrations and have found relief and mutual fulfillment.

In this book they share step-by-step, practical ways for wives to move from duty and disappointment to pleasure and fulfillment. Learn how the woman’s biblical role for sex in marriage is to pursue all of who she is sexually and share her sexuality with her husband, which will, in turn, increase his satisfaction.

Be empowered as a woman to embrace your sexuality and find deeper enjoyment with your husband. This title is a companion to The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex, also by the Penners.

Author(s): Alex McFarland & Jason Jimenez
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $3.99       (Ends Sept 30)
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Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) constitute a group of over 80 million individuals who are technologically astute, ethnically diverse, and culturally and vibrantly engaged. Yet they face high unemployment and massive debt, and they comprise the largest number of religiously unaffiliated individuals in American history. Concerned by these and other hard-hitting facts, experts Alex McFarland and Jason Jimenez have created a book that interviews top Christian leaders who work with Millennials and families. Their research and conversations will shed new light on what Christian parents must do to reach their young adult children. This book offers a strong voice of hope for parents, church leaders, and others who serve the Millennial generation.

Author(s): Alex McFarland
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $2.99        (Ends Mar 31)
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University apologist, director, and popular speaker Alex McFarland has spent the last two decades answering questions about the Christian worldview and the Bible from children, teens, and parents. In The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask About Christianity, he summarizes questions today’s children and teens are asking about God, the Bible, and the problem of evil.

Alex’s experiences have taught him that how adults answer questions about God is as important as, if not more important than, what kids ask. He provides parents with teaching strategies that will help them reach their children intellectually and spiritually. Today’s kids and teens are looking for authenticity, integrity, and straightforward truth. Alex comes alongside parents and gives them tools to effectively answer not only their children’s toughest academic questions but also the questions that plague their hearts.


Author(s): Alex McFarland & Jason Jimenez
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $3.99        (Ends Mar 31)
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Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) constitute a group of over 80 million individuals who are technologically astute, ethnically diverse, and culturally and vibrantly engaged. Yet they face high unemployment and massive debt, and they comprise the largest number of religiously unaffiliated individuals in American history. Concerned by these and other hard-hitting facts, experts Alex McFarland and Jason Jimenez have created a book that interviews top Christian leaders who work with Millennials and families. Their research and conversations will shed new light on what Christian parents must do to reach their young adult children. This book offers a strong voice of hope for parents, church leaders, and others who serve the Millennial generation.

Author(s): Erin Smalley & Greg Smalley
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

The Little Book of Great Dates will help build romance and fun into any marriage with its creative ideas for a year’s worth of weekly affordable dates. This book—a simpler, gift version of Focus on the Family’s The Date Night Challenge campaign—will help couples to proactively and intentionally build their relationship, showing how everyday activities can become “dates” that strengthen the marriage relationship. It includes plans for special-occasion dates, such as the couple’s anniversaries (first date, engagement, wedding), birthdays, etc. Couples can get to know each other better by sharing fun times and discover dating again in their marriage with this great little book of ideas!

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