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Author(s): Timothy Paul Jones
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Oct 1-14)
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Nothing in Your Life Is Ordinary

Your present world isn’t supposed to be this small. You were made for something much bigger. And no, you don’t have to be an astronaut, or even a Star Wars fan, to live it. Finding God in a Galaxy Far, Far Away is not about space travel, or even a movie. It’s about rediscovering your sense of wonder—something we adults have successfully squelched from our everyday lives. But God never meant it to be that way. Timothy Jones, by way of an astounding, eye-opening study of the spiritual parallels found in the Star Wars saga, will make you a kid again. You’ll be marveling at the mysterious, laughing anew at life’s “coincidences,” and remembering above all the Creator for which you were made.

May the True Force Be with You

Remember when Star Wars first captured your imagination? How your longing for adventure propelled you to distant worlds and transformed you into a Jedi knight faster than you could say, “Luke, I am your father”?

This same longing, once sparked by John Williams’s triumphant score and fanned by Darth Vader’s sweeping black cape, is your ticket to life’s greatest adventure.

Join Timothy Paul Jones on an astounding, eye-opening exploration of the spiritual themes in the Star Wars saga and the truth will become clear: Like young Luke Skywalker, you were also made for more—much more.

Rediscover awe. Revel in the wonder of every moment. And pursue all you were meant to be. It is your destiny.

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