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Author(s): Erik Raymond
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 8-9)
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Why a Holy God Delights to Claim Broken People as His Family

Christians belong to God’s own family. This promise is difficult for some people to believe, and even for some believers to remember in their day-to-day struggles with shame or regret. But it’s repeated throughout the Bible, reflected in Christ’s genealogy, and true of the church today; God’s family is filled with broken people whose stories are a testament to his staggering love.

In He Is Not Ashamed, Erik Raymond takes a close look at the “family portrait” of God—filled with imperfect people throughout Scripture—and shows that God is not repelled by anyone’s shameful past, but delights to redeem and receive those who believe in him. Studying Hebrews 2:11 and other passages in both the Old and New Testaments, Raymond shows that Jesus’s heart is bent toward those who have an embarrassing history, feel far from God, or struggle with sin. By studying God’s abounding love for undeserving people, Christians learn to accept his grace and confidently embrace their place in God’s family portrait.


Author(s): Erik Raymond
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Sept 22-23)
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The word Hell conjures up all kinds of nightmares in people’s minds. But also presents a difficulty for many Christians. How can a God who the Bible says literally “is love” condemn anyone to an eternity of torment? Will punishment be eternal? Is Hell for real?

In this short, accessible book, pastor and author Erik Raymond reviews this important subject for everyone with pastoral warmth and biblical clarity.


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Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: The Hermeneutics of the Biblical Writers: Learning to Interpret Scripture from the Prophets and Apostles by Abner Chou vs. What Happened in the Garden: The Reality and Ramifications of the Creation and Fall of Man by Abner Chou

Intervarsity Press: Winsome Conviction: Disagreeing Without Dividing the Church by Tim Muehlhoff & Richard Langer vs. Charitable Writing: Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words by Richard Hughes Gibson & James Edward Beitler III

Reformation Heritage: Broken Cisterns: Thirsting for the Creator Instead of the Created by Sarah Ivill vs. You Could Have It All by Geoffrey Thomas

New Leaf: Noah: Man of Destiny by Tim Chaffey & K Marie Adams vs. Noah: Man of Resolve by Tim Chaffey & K. Marie Adams

Good Book Company: Is Hell for Real?: And other Questions about Judgment, Eternity and the God of love (Questions Christians Ask) by Erik Raymond vs. Who on Earth is the Holy Spirit? (Questions Christians Ask) by Tim Chester & Christopher de la Hoyde

Crossway: Is Jesus Truly God?: How the Bible Teaches the Divinity of Christ by Greg Lanier vs. The Trinity: An Introduction (Short Studies in Systematic Theology) by Scott Swain

Christian Focus: Renewing Broken Lives: Even More Miracles from Mayhem by Irene Howat vs. Johnny Cornflakes by Denise George

David C. Cook: The Resilient Leader: How Adversity Can Change You and Your Ministry for the Better by Alfred Ells vs. Survive or Thrive: 6 Relationships Every Pastor Needs by Jimmy Dodd

Author(s): Erik Raymond
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $3.99       (Ends May 19)
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Recovering the Lost Art of Contentment

The biblical practice of contentment can seem like a lost art—something reserved for spiritual giants but out of reach for the rest of us. In our discontented age—characterized by impatience, overspending, grumbling, and unhappiness—it’s hard to imagine what true contentment actually looks (and feels) like. But even the apostle Paul said that he learned to be content in any and every circumstance. Paul’s remarkable contentment was something grown and developed over time.

In Chasing Contentment, Erik Raymond helps us understand what biblical contentment is—the inward gracious spirit that joyfully rests in God’s providence—and then how we learn it. Giving us practical guidance for growing in contentment in various areas of our lives, this book will encourage us to see contentment as a priority for all believers. By God’s grace, it is possible to pursue the high calling of contentment and anchor our joy in God himself rather than our changing circumstances.


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Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Beyond the Swipe: Honoring God, Respecting Yourself, and Finding the Right Match by Kristin Fry vs. No Sex in the City: One Virgin’s Confessions on Love, Lust, Dating, and Waiting by Lindsey N. Isham

Intervarsity Press: A Little Book for New Preachers: Why and How to Study Homiletics (Little Books) by Matthew D. Kim vs. Preaching as Reminding: Stirring Memory in an Age of Forgetfulness by Jeffrey D. Arthurs

New Leaf: Bankruptcy of Our Nation (Revised and Expanded) by Jerry Robinson vs. Modern Homesteading: Rediscovering the American Dream

Good Book Company: Did the Devil Make Me Do It? (Questions Christians Ask) by Mike McKinley vs. Is Hell for Real?: And other Questions about Judgment, Eternity and the God of love (Questions Christians Ask) by Erik Raymond

Harvest House: Emptied: Experiencing the Fullness of a Poured-Out Marriage by Wynter Pitts & Jonathan Pitts vs. Prayers of Blessing over My Marriage by Bruce Wilkinson & Heather Hair

Christian Focus: Scotland Ablaze: The Twenty Year Fire of Revival that Swept Scotland 1858 – 79 by Tom Lennie vs. Columba: the Faith of an Island Soldier by Bruce Ritchie

Reformation Heritage: In Defense of the Descent: A Response to Contemporary Critics by Daniel Hyde vs. The Lord’s Supper and the ‘Popish Mass’: A Study of Heidelberg Catechism Q&A by Cornelius P. Venema

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