
Tag: Discovering the Meaning and Importance of Sanctification

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Author(s): R. C. Sproul
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $2.99       (Oct 29-30)
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Dr. R.C. Sproul is one of the most vital and renowned theologians of our time. For over 40 years Dr. Sproul has encouraged, educated, and enlightened millions through his books, teaching, and ministry. How can imperfect people hope to please a perfect God? The answer is both simple and challenging: sanctification. Pleasing God takes an in-depth look at sanctification and its essential role in the life of every believer. Filled with Biblical insights, this release guides both new and seasoned Christians through God’s path for transforming His people.

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Book details:

Kregel: Invitation to Biblical Interpretation: Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology by Andreas Köstenberger vs. Invitation to Christian Ethics: Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues by Ken Magnuson

Intervarsity Press: The Nazarene: Forty Devotions on the Lyrical Life of Jesus by Michael Card vs. Room of Marvels: A Story About Heaven that Heals the Heart by James Bryan Smith

Reformation Heritage: The Spiritual Life by Campegius Vitringa vs. Great Spoil: Thomas Manton’s Spirituality of the Word by J. Stephen Yuille

New Leaf: Yesterday, Today, and Forever by Maria Von Trapp vs. Sunday Morning Memories by Don Reid

Good Book Company: Finding More: Real Life Stories Worth Telling by Rico Tice vs. Is this it?: An personal journey through the angst of adulting, revealing the difference Jesus makes. by Rachel Jones

Crossway: Divine Blessing and the Fullness of Life in the Presence of God by William R. Osborne vs. The Serpent and the Serpent Slayer (Short Studies in Biblical Theology) by Andrew David Naselli

Christian Focus: Facing a Task Unfinished: Cultivating Personal Evangelism Week by Week by Roger Carswell vs. The Duty of a Disciple: Is Evangelism Outdated? by Bernard V. Palmer

David C. Cook: How Then Shall We Worship?: Biblical Principles to Guide Us Today by R. C. Sproul vs. Pleasing God: Discovering the Meaning and Importance of Sanctification by R. C. Sproul

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