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Author(s): Will Van der Hart
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $2.99       (May 6-7)
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Do you struggle with feeling like an impostor in your own leadership? Do you carry a secret anxiety about being revealed as a fraud?

We all long to belong, especially those in positions of leadership. But deeply rooted shame can keep leaders from connecting authentically and vulnerably. Reverend Will van der Hart and Dr. Rob Waller—an experienced church leader and respected psychiatrist—integrate the story of Scripture with the science behind mental health, offering real steps for transformation. When leaders know that they belong to God—when they develop a deep sense of security in Him—they can overcome constricting shame and lead with confidence.

Offering a psychological and biblical response to one of the most persistent problems in leadership, The Power of Belonging is a unique resource to help you build success from your sense of security, allowing your unique leadership gifts to flourish and grow.

Each chapter includes study guide questions for group or individual use.


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Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Dying to Preach: Embracing the Cross in the Pulpit by Steven Smith vs. Preaching Old Testament Narratives (Preaching with Excellence) by Benjamin H. Walton

Intervarsity Press: Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope by Esau McCaulley vs. The Colors of Culture: The Beauty of Diverse Friendships by Melinda Joy Mingo

New Leaf: Echoes of Ararat: A Collection of Over 300 Flood Legends from North and South America by Nick Liguori vs. Don’t Miss the Boat by Paul Taylor

Good Book Company: Engaging with Mormons: Understanding their world; sharing good news by Corey Miller vs. Engaging with Hindus: Understanding their World; Sharing good news by Robin Thomson

Crossway: Flourish: How the Love of Christ Frees Us from Self-Focus by Lydia Brownback vs. Enough about Me: Find Lasting Joy in the Age of Self by Jen Oshman

Christian Focus: What Does the Bible Teach about Lust?: A Short Book on Desire by Gavin Peacock & Owen Strachan vs. And Then He Knew Her: A Biblical View of Sex by Adrian Reynolds & Celia Reynolds

David C. Cook: Favor with Kings: God’s Purpose, Your Passion, and the Process of Doing Great Things by Caleb Anderson vs. Move Toward the Mess: The Ultimate Fix for a Boring Christian Life by John Hambrick

Author(s): Jessica Kastner
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: FREE       (Ends May 10)
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Soon after Jessica Kastner became a mother, she wondered if she was the only mom who found pretend play more boring than watching playdough harden and who dreaded yet another friend’s Instagram post of homemade deliciousness.

In Hiding from My Kids in the Prayer Closet, Kastner shares her experience as an “unmom”—a mom who loves her kids more than she loves the daily experience of mothering. She helps readers laugh at the ridiculous, delight in the unpredictable, and enjoy being the mothers God made them to be.

Author(s): John F. Walvoord
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $2.99       (April 30-31)
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For readers of Tim LaHaye and John Hagee comes a thoughtful exploration of what happens in eternity. Relying on key biblical prophecies, renowned scholar Dr. John F. Walvoord explains what the Bible teaches about heaven and hell, how life on earth affects life in heaven, why God gives both judgment and grace, and how Christians can find comfort amid earthly suffering. What the Bible Says About Your Future opens a door for God to speak to readers’ hearts and minds about their heavenly future. Here they will find hope in knowing that God cares deeply about them—now and forever.

Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Occult ABC: Exposing Occult Practices and Ideologies by Kurt E. Koch vs. Discipled Warriors: Growing Healthy Churches That Are Equipped for Spiritual Warfare by Chuck Lawless

Intervarsity Press: Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame in the Biblical World by E. Randolph Richards & Richard James vs. Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Hermeneutic of Discipleship by Derek W. Taylor

New Leaf: Gospel Reset: Salvation Made Relevant by Ken Ham vs. Searching for Truth: The Illustrated Gospel by Tim Chaffey

Good Book Company: If Only: Finding Contentment in the Face of Lack and Longing by Jennie Pollock vs. Real: The Surprising Secret to Deeper Relationships by Catherine Parks

Crossway: The Whole Counsel of God: Why and How to Preach the Entire Bible by Tim Patrick vs. Preaching Christ in All of Scripture by Edmund P. Clowney

Christian Focus: The Adorable Trinity: Standing for Orthodoxy in Nineteenth–Century America by Mantle Nance vs. Communion with God by John Owen

David C. Cook: The 10 Myths of Teen Dating: Truths Your Daughter Needs to Know to Date Smart, Avoid Disaster, and Protect Her Future by Daniel Anderson vs. The Joy of Letting Go: Releasing Your Teen into Real Life in the Big World by Vicki Caruana

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