
Tag: Cultures in Chaos & A Conflicted Church

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Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Jan 10-11)
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We live in a nation divided across political, racial, cultural, and even religious lines. Can the church regain a position of influence among young people seeking “truth” while rejecting God’s Word? What, if anything, will be able to bridge these profoundly personal and ideological positions? God’s Word is the best place to start! In this dynamic book, Ken Ham continues to shine an empowering light on the struggle of the church to retain young believers, and gives action points for both pastors and parents about how to make a stand for the soul of this generation.

– Teaches how to effectively present the authoritative Word of God
– Demonstrates clearly why arguments about neutrality are distractions, rather than solutions
– Reveals how to find clarity amid the chaos of the culturally-conflicted church


Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (April 20-21)
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We live in a nation divided across political, racial, cultural, and even religious lines. Can the church regain a position of influence among young people seeking “truth” while rejecting God’s Word? What, if anything, will be able to bridge these profoundly personal and ideological positions? God’s Word is the best place to start! In this dynamic book, Ken Ham continues to shine an empowering light on the struggle of the church to retain young believers, and gives action points for both pastors and parents about how to make a stand for the soul of this generation.

– Teaches how to effectively present the authoritative Word of God
– Demonstrates clearly why arguments about neutrality are distractions, rather than solutions
– Reveals how to find clarity amid the chaos of the culturally-conflicted church


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