
Tag: Crossway

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Author(s):  Paul David Tripp
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Dec 7-8)
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Sometimes life just hurts.

Out of nowhere, death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship can change our lives and challenge everything we thought we knew—leaving us feeling unable to cope. But, in the midst if all this pain and confusion, we are not alone.

Weaving together his personal story, pastoral ministry experience, and biblical insights, best-selling author Paul David Tripp helps us trust God in the midst of suffering. He identifies traps to avoid in our suffering and points us instead to comforts to embrace. This raw yet hope-filled book will help you cling to God’s promises when trials come and move forward with the hope of the gospel.


Author(s): William Lane Craig
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 23-24)
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Perfect as a textbook yet excellent for lay readers, this updated edition builds a positive case for Christianity by applying the latest thought to core theological themes.

J. Gresham Machen once said, “False ideas are the greatest obstacles to the reception of the gospel”-which makes apologetics that much more important. Wanting to engage not just academics and pastors but Christian laypeople and seekers, William Lane Craig has revised and updated key sections in this third edition of his classic text to reflect the latest work in astrophysics, philosophy, probability calculus, the arguments for the existence of God, and Reformed epistemology.

His approach-that of positive apologetics-gives careful attention to crucial questions and concerns, including: the relationship of faith and reason, the existence of God, the problems of historical knowledge and miracles, the personal claims of Christ, and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. He shows that there is good reason to think Christianity is true. As Craig says, “If you have a sound and persuasive case for Christianity, you don’t have to become an expert in comparative religions and Christian cults. A positive justification of the Christian faith automatically overwhelms all competing world views lacking an equally strong case.”

Author(s): John Piper
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 16-17)
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“Love Your Enemies…”

This is one of the few statements Jesus made that is readily accepted by believers and skeptics alike. Its authenticity is not seriously questioned and yet it is a revolutionary command.

Giving attention to various critical theories, John Piper presents evidence that the early church earnestly advocated for non-retaliatory love, extending it to those who practiced evil in the world. Such love was key to the church’s own ethical tradition or paraenesis.

Piper illuminates the Synoptics and passages in Romans, as well as 1 Thessalonians and 1 Peter, with non-canonical evidence, investigating the theological significance of Jesus’s love command.


Author(s):  John Piper
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 14-15)
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Our appetites control much of what we do each day—whether it is the cravings of our stomachs, the desire for possessions or power, or the longings of our spirits for God. But for the Christian, the hunger for anything apart from God is ultimately detrimental to spiritual health and enduring joy. In this classic meditation on fasting, John Piper helps Christians apply the Bible’s teaching on this long-standing spiritual discipline, highlighting the profound contentment that comes from delighting in God above all else. Piper helps readers put to death self-indulgence by directing them to the all-satisfying, sin-conquering glory of Christ. This volume is now redesigned with a new cover and a foreword by New York Times best-selling authors David Platt and Francis Chan.

Author(s):  R. Kent Hughes
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 9-10)
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“The church must be distinct from the world to reach the world.”
– From Chapter 1

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for [God’s] own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9, ESV).

Holy and dedicated to declaring the excellencies of God-this is the church, or is it? Can we really call the church holy?

A minority of those who claim to be born again say they believe in moral absolutes (Source: Barna Research).
One third of evangelicals between the ages of 18 and 35 have no problem with unmarried men and women living together (Source: Evangelical Alliance).
Evangelical Christianity is becoming increasingly worldly. Materialism, hedonism, violence, sexual misconduct, pluralism, and divorce are becoming as common within the church as without. As a result the church is losing its distinct identity as a people set apart to reach the world.

In this book, R. Kent Hughes builds a case for godliness in the church-a case that echoes the biblical call to holiness. The church can reach the world only if it keeps itself from being ensnared by the world. Hughes is not simply urging Christians to say no to worldliness-he is calling the church to say yes to Christ and to his call to reach our lost world.


Author(s): David VanDrunen
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 2-3)
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Modern movements such as neo-Calvinism, the New Perspective on Paul, and the emerging church have popularized a view of Christianity and culture that calls for the redemption of earthly society and institutions. Many Christians have reflexively embraced this view, enticed by the socially active and engaged faith it produces.

Living in God’s Two Kingdoms illustrates how a two-kingdoms model of Christianity and culture affirms much of what is compelling in these transformationist movements while remaining faithful to the whole counsel of Scripture. By focusing on God’s response to each kingdom—his preservation of the civil society and his redemption of the spiritual kingdom—VanDrunen teaches readers how to live faithfully in each sphere.

Highlighting vital biblical distinctions between honorable and holy tasks, VanDrunen’s analysis will challenge Christians to be actively and critically engaged in the culture around them while retaining their identities as sojourners and exiles in this world.


Author(s):  David R. Helm
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Oct 26-27)
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Everyone experiences trials at some points in their lives. But the Bible is clear that Christians have nothing to fear in the long run in light of God’s sovereignty and love for his people. In this stirring exposition of 1 and 2 Peter and Jude, pastor David Helm explores these three New Testament letters in depth, reminding readers that suffering precedes future glories for anyone who claims Christ as Lord and Savior. An ideal resource for pastors and teachers looking to connect the Bible’s message to the everyday lives of Christians, this commentary touches on a number of important themes, such as finding encouragement in Christ, avoiding false teaching, what it means to contend for the faith, and how to finish life well. Part of the Preaching the Word commentary series.

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