
Tag: Christ’s Glorious Achievements

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Author(s): Charles Spurgeon
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $1.50       Buy Now!

In these seven sermons, Charles Spurgeon shows the Christian what Christ has done on their behalf and urges the unbeliever to see their sin and take Christ as their savior, showing what he will conquer on their behalf if they will repent and believe.

I. Christ the End of the Law.
II. Christ the Conqueror of Satan.
III. Christ the Overcomer of the World.
IV. Christ the Maker of all things new.
V. Christ the Spoiler of Principalities and Powers.
VI. Christ the Destroyer of Death.
VII. Christ the Seeker and Saviour of the Lost.

Includes the original preface and hyperlinks to each chapter for easy navigation.

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