
Tag: Character

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Author(s): Sharon Dickens
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 5-6)
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So, you’ve heard the Gospel, you’ve accepted Jesus as your saviour, you’re going to Church regularly – you’re definitely a Christian, but you don’t feel like you’re acting like one. The other Christians you know all seem to have it together but how do you get to that point? Even though none of us will be perfect in this life, we can grow to be more and more like Jesus. This book will tell you how.

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Book details:

Kregel: Congratulations, You’ve Got Tweens!: Preparing Your Child for Adolescence by Paul Pettit vs. Honest Answers: Exploring God Questions with your Tween by Janelle Alberts

Intervarsity Press: The Seamless Life: A Tapestry of Love and Learning, Worship and Work by Steven Garber vs. Does God Really Like Me?: Discovering the God Who Wants to Be With Us by Cyd Holsclaw & Geoff Holsclaw

Cruciform Press: Inheritance of Tears: Trusting the Lord of Life When Death Visits the Womb by Jessalyn Hutto vs. A World Upside Down: Four Essays on the Life and Theology of Martin Luther by Charles Fry

New Leaf: Persuaded by the Evidence by Doug Sharp & Jerry Bergman vs. A Flood of Evidence: 40 Reasons Noah and the Ark Still Matter by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge

Good Book Company: Just Love by Ben Cooper vs. Is forgiveness really free?: and other questions about grace, the law and being saved (Questions Christians Ask) by Michael Jensen

Crossway: Emotional Purity: An Affair of the Heart by Heather Arnel Paulsen vs. Untangling Emotions: “God’s Gift of Emotions” by J. Alasdair Groves & Winston T. Smith

Christian Focus: Relationships – How Do I Make Things Right? (First Steps) by Sharon Dickens vs. Character: How Do I Change? (First Steps) by Sharon Dickens

David C. Cook: The Unknown God: A Journey with Jesus from East to West by Mathew P. John vs. The Meeting of the Waters: 7 Global Currents That Will Propel the Future Church by Fritz Kling

how high will you climbAuthor(s): John C. Maxwell
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

A positive attitude comes easy in times of joy and progress. But the real test of character comes during times of turmoil and conflict–which are always just on the horizon. When the skies above appear stormy, how will you steer that internal plane we call attitude?In How High Will You Climb? bestselling author and pastor John C. Maxwell emphasizes that even in the worst of storms, we are never flying solo. With God supporting our approach in every challenge that comes our way, we have the power to choose–yes, choose–the attitude we take with us on our journey. Oftentimes our outward expression and attitude during conflict is every bit as critical as the inward struggle, and our approach to the struggles in our family, in work, in life in general will actually determine the outcome more than the actual struggle. The choice is yours–when your path brings you through your next storm, how high will you climb?

Character Counts: The Power of Personal IntegrityAuthor(s): Charles H. Dyer
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

What ever happened to good Christian character and conduct?

Character and conduct are inextricably connected.

Today’s headlines highlight society’s problems, but then the pundits simplistically push the blame off on big business, big government, or some other faceless entity. Yet—with the exception of natural disasters—most problems are caused by people… people who put money, power, or personal gain ahead of the bedrock values of character and integrity. We are all now collectively paying the price for years of selfish excess brought on by these behaviors.

This book is about integrity, character, and values. The key qualities needed to live a life of integrity will be explained and illustrated through the stories of men and women in the Bible. Conduct reveals character, and we best understand integrity when we see it lived out in a person’s life.

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