
Tag: B&H Books

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Author(s): Henry and Richard Blackaby
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 26 Only)
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Based on classic Experiencing God principles, Hearing God’s Voice is for those who are ready to listen. Beloved author Henry Blackaby and his son Richard help those who are listening to discern the voice of God, to identify ways He speaks, and to respond to His revelations of His will. God speaks to individuals in ways that are personal and unique to each person. God will never say anything that contravenes what He has said in the Bible, and usually He confirms what He has said. After you learn to listen to God, hearing from God will be as natural as communicating with a close friend.

Author(s): J.T. English & Jen Wilkin
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 20 Only)
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2024 Christian Book Award winner, Christian Living category

The Gospel Coalition 2024 Book Awards, Popular Theology, Award of Distinction

WORLD 2023 Books of the Year, Honorable Mention

Theology can be intimidating. Perhaps questions like these have kept you from engaging with it: “What is theology?” “Who does theology?” “What happens if I get something wrong?”

Theology can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be. Whether conversations about theology have felt out of reach, over your head, or irrelevant, consider this book an invitation to the dialogue.


The Man God Uses
Henry Blackaby & Tom Blackaby
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 18 Only)
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Uses scriptural analysis, prayer, and study questions to explore God’s will and His process of refining an ordinary man into an extraordinary agent of God.

Holman Old Testament Commentary – Jeremiah, Lamentations
Ross McLaren & Fred M. Wood
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 18 Only)
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One in a series of twenty Old Testament verse-by-verse commentary books edited by Max Anders. Includes discussion starters, teaching plan, and more. Great for lay teachers and pastors alike.

Author(s): Richard Blackaby
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 15 Only)
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Have you ever been surprised or confused by what God did in your life or someone else’s? Did you expect God to act one way and then he did something entirely different? Have you ever prayed and asked God to do one thing but he did something entirely different? Have you ever made great sacrifices for God and then he chose not to bless your efforts? If so, the reason may be that you are unfamiliar with the ways of God. God’s ways are vastly different from ours. We will be constantly disappointed if we assume God will act the same way we would. The problem with the Church, at times, is that it tries to do God’s work, the world’s way. However, with God, how you do something is as important as what you do. If you intend to be a growing, fruitful disciple of Jesus, you must learn the ways of God.


Author(s): Geoffrey Chang
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 14 Only)
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**Winner of The Gospel Coalition Book Award 2022 for Biography & History**

How would you get more than 5,000 people to show up at your church?

Almost every pastor feels the pressure to get people in the doors. More people means more success, more stability, and more godly influence, right? Often, in their zeal for fruit and growth, pastors and church leaders adopt worldly mechanisms for church growth that end up undermining the very call God has given them.

Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, was a pastor to well over 5,000 people in a day long before “mega-churches” were the norm. But you might be surprised to know that Spurgeon’s vision for ministry was not pragmatic. He did not borrow “best practices” from the business leaders of his day. Rather, his ministry vision was decidedly, staunchly biblical and theological in nature—and it was a ministry vision we ought to adopt more than a century later.


Author(s): Katie J. McCoy
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 12 Only)
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The Gospel Coalition 2024 Book Awards, Public Theology & Current Events Category, Award of Distinction

We live in a cultural moment where the definition of “woman” eludes the keenest of thinkers and brightest of scientists, where one’s biological sex and one’s gender are divorced, where the meaning of gender itself is a constantly moving target, and where girls and women, especially, struggle to know who they are.

Where societal confusion has naturally ensued from this state of affairs, and Christians especially wonder how to think and respond to it, Katie J. McCoy offers a clear and helpful guide in her debut trade book, To Be a Woman.


Author(s): Joe Rigney
Publisher: B&H Books
Price: $4.99       (June 6 Only)
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It has never been more difficult to flee sexual immorality and pursue holiness.

We live in an age of unprecedented access to sexual temptation. Previous generations faced adultery, prostitution, and brothels. But not every person had a brothel in their pocket. Our society’s obsession with sex, coupled with the technologies that make pornography so accessible, make it more challenging than it’s ever been.

The result is that our families, our churches, and our society are being devastated by a pornography epidemic.

In More than a Battle, pastor and author Joe Rigney offers hope for Christian men who are seeking to live with integrity and faithfulness in the face of the sexual temptation around them. Drawing on the Scriptures, his personal experience, and his pastoral counseling, Rigney frames the struggle with lust beneath the banner of Galatians 5:16: “Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”


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