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Author(s): Terry Toler
Publisher:  BeHoldings Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Adon was the only perfect planet left in the universe …

Until, Adam Lang, an astronaut from Earth arrived and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, bringing devastating consequences. The Garden of Eden was destroyed, Adam and Eve were murdered, and sin, evil rulers, sicknesses, and death devastated the once pristine planet.

Who will save the people before it’s too late? And what will happen to the man from Earth who caused all the destruction?





Author(s): Terry Toler
Publisher: BeHoldings Publishing
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

America’s endearing hero, CIA operative Alex Halee, goes off mission to infiltrate a cybercrime lab in North Korea run by the notorious Pok.
#1 Amazon International Best Seller in Ten Different Countries:

When Alex runs into trouble, he gets help from the most unlikely person. Bae Hwa is a thirteen-year-old North Korean girl who likes to steal backpacks. When she unknowingly gets her hands on a satchel full of nuclear codes, her entire family is in danger and she ends up in prison. Alex is arrested and thrown in the same prison cell as Bae. It’s a race against time as he has to save them both and keep the codes out of the hands of those who want to destroy America . . .

What Others are Saying about The Ingenue:

“I’m hooked on Terry Toler novels.”
“You never know where it’s going to go next. Love it!”
“You kept me on the edge of my seat.”
“The way you educate the reader about spy techniques while Alex educated the young girl was masterful.”


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