
Tag: Baker Books

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Author(s): J.W. Buck
Publisher:  Baker Books
Price: $3.99       (Ends July 14)
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Many of us think of activism as signing petitions, attending rallies or marches, or engaging in political agendas. But what does it look like to be moved by the things that moved God’s heart in the day-to-day? How can we live in such a way that we are always, out of habit, contributing to a more just society?

In this inspiring and accessible book, pastor J.W. Buck shows you how to engage in 7 practices to be a faithful activist in the world today, including choosing

· thoughtful resistance over thoughtless compliance
· loving your neighbor over fearing your differences
· seeking forgiveness over revenge
· resting over endless working
· practicing nonviolence over violence
· and more

If you’ve wanted to get involved in justice work but aren’t sure where to start, this practical and visually engaging book will show you how you can develop everyday habits drawn from the life of Jesus that make the world a better place.

Author(s): Greg Laurie & Ellen Vaughn
Publisher:  Baker Books
Price: $3.99       (Ends June 30)
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God has always been interested in turning unlikely people into his most fervent followers. Prostitutes and pagans, tax collectors and tricksters. The more unlikely, the more it seemed to please God and to demonstrate his power, might, and mercy. America in the 1960s and 1970s was full of unlikely people–men and women who had rejected the stuffy religion of their parents’ generation, who didn’t follow the rules, didn’t fit in. The perfect setting for the greatest spiritual awakening of the 20th century.

With passion and purpose, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn tell the amazing true story of the Jesus Movement, an extraordinary time of mass revival, renewal, and reconciliation. Setting fascinating personal stories within the context of one of the most tumultuous times in modern history, the authors draw important parallels with our own time of spiritual apathy or outright hostility, offering hope for the next generation of unlikely believers–and for the next great American revival.

Those who lived through the Jesus Revolution will find here an inspiring reminder of the times and people that shaped their lives and faith. Younger readers will discover a forgotten part of recent American history and, along with it, a reason to believe that God is not finished with their generation.


Author(s):  Gregg R. Allison
Publisher:  Baker Books
Price: $4.99       (Ends June 30)
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Those looking for a single resource that collects clear teachings on the most important doctrines of Christianity need look no further than Gregg Allison’s 50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith. This volume covers foundational doctrines of the nature and works of God, the Bible, God’s created beings, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and the end times. And each chapter features clear guidance for how to teach and apply the doctrine today.

Pastors, Sunday school teachers, and lay students of theology will find this an indispensable resource for understanding and teaching Christian theology.


Author(s): Ray Comfort
Publisher:  Baker Books
Price: $3.99       (Ends June 30)
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Of all the gods, gurus, and good people out there, why Jesus? Why follow some ancient carpenter-turned-philosopher from a podunk town in the Middle East? A man whose own people didn’t believe in him for the most part. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Or does it?

With his signature insight and contagious enthusiasm, Ray Comfort walks you through twelve persuasive reasons to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was who he said he was, did the things the Bible records him doing, and explains why it matters to your life in the 21st century. He covers everything from the virgin birth to Jesus’s miracles and teachings, including his hard sayings, his detractors, his exclusive claims, and his commands to his followers. Through it all, Comfort shines a light on how Jesus stands out and stands above every other teacher, prophet, or historical figure out there.

If you struggle to articulate why you follow Jesus to your friends and family, or if you are a skeptic looking for some way to make sense of the whole Jesus thing, this book is for you.

Author(s):  Sheila Wray Gregoire
Publisher:  Baker Books
Price: $2.39       (Ends Jan 31)
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What if it’s not your fault that sex is bad in your marriage?

Based on a groundbreaking in-depth survey of 22,000 Christian women, The Great Sex Rescue unlocks the secrets to what makes some marriages red hot while others fizzle out. Generations of women have grown up with messages about sex that make them feel dirty, used, or invisible, while men have been sold such a cheapened version of sex, they don’t know what they’re missing. The Great Sex Rescue hopes to turn all of that around, developing a truly biblical view of sex where mutuality, intimacy, and passion reign.

The Great Sex Rescue pulls back the curtain on what is happening in Christian bedrooms and exposes the problematic teachings that wreck sex for so many couples–and the good teachings that leave others breathless. In the #metoo and #churchtoo era, not only is this book a long overdue corrective to church culture, it is poised to free thousands of couples from repressive and dissatisfying sex lives so that they can experience the kind of intimacy and wholeness God intended.

Author(s):  Jennifer Ford Berry
Publisher:  Baker Books
Price: $1.99       (Ends Jan 31)
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Stuff. We have too much of it. Clothing, kitchen gadgets, electronics, home decor. And more of it arrives on our doorstep all the time. Our stuff takes up an incredible amount of our space, time, energy, and money. But do all these possessions truly make us happier?

Certified professional organizer and bestselling author Jennifer Ford Berry says no. Rather than living for our stuff, what actually gives us joy is knowing and living out our purpose in life. In Make Room, Berry shows you how to live a more meaningful and intentional life by revealing how to

– define your purpose
– plan your time
– declutter your home
– prepare for the future
– and much more

If you long to get rid of what distracts you from living out your God-given calling in life, this book is your roadmap to success, offering principles to recognize and eliminate anything that is cluttering up your life.


Author(s):  Landra Young Hughes
Publisher:  Baker Books
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

In this book, you’re going to read about a different kind of love story. It’s a love story each and every one of us is currently playing a role in–whether we’re aware of it or not. And truth be told, it’s scary-critical that we stay tuned-in to this love story. Because outside of a growing relationship with your heavenly Father, no other love (or lack of love) has the potential to improve or implode your life like the love that you have for you.

For anyone who has ever struggled with their identity, Landra Young Hughes has a radically simple message: give up. Specifically, give up your need to be in control of how other people see you. Instead, let God’s words–not yours and not others’–define you. Through her own deeply personal story of trying to control her circumstances and others’ perceptions of her through an eating disorder, Landra points the way toward a life free from self-obsession and self-resentment. She shows you how to listen to God’s voice, let go of the struggle for perfection, and live authentically from your deepest self.


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