
Tag: Andreas J. Köstenberger

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Author(s): Al Fuhr & Andreas J. Köstenberger
Publisher: B&H Academic
Price: $4.99       (May 30 Only)
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Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God’s Word. Each step is viewed through the lenses of the hermeneutical triad, exploring the historical, literary, and theological elements that impact how one observes, interprets, and applies the Bible. Chapter by chapter, Inductive Bible Study explores a broad representation of biblical texts as it illustrates the steps of inductive methodology across the literary landscape of Scripture. Important features of the book include comparing translations, asking the right questions of the text, basic discourse analysis, considering various facets of context, the study of words and phrases, interpretive and thematic correlation, evaluating relevance and determining legitimacy in application, the role of the Holy Spirit in appropriating Scripture, and doing theology as the outflow of inductive Bible study.

Author(s): Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum, & Charles L. Quarles
Publisher: B&H Academic
Price: $4.99       (May 4 Only)
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The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown guides serious New Testament students through the historical, literary, and theological dimensions of the biblical text, allowing them to better understand and share God’s “word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). It offers a thorough introduction to all twenty-seven books of the New Testament and closely examines events such as Christ’s incarnation and virgin birth, his crucifixion and resurrection, and triumphant return.

The second edition features updated bibliographies and footnotes, interpretation sections that cover different literary genres in the New Testament, an epilogue that canvasses the entire storyline of Scripture, and a variety of maps. All of these new features contribute to making this a life-long resource for students of Scripture.

Author(s): Andreas J. Köstenberger & Richard D. Patterson
Publisher: Kregel Academic
Price: $2.99       (Feb 26-27)
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An introduction to a clear method of biblical interpretation

For the Love of God’s Word is an abridged, less technical version of Köstenberger and Patterson’s acclaimed Invitation to Biblical Interpretation. Students, teachers, and pastors alike will find this introduction to biblical hermeneutics to be an accessible resource with both breadth and substance.

Built on the premise that every passage requires careful scrutiny of its historical setting, literary dimension, and theological message, this volume teaches a simple threefold method that is applicable to every passage of Scripture regardless of genre. In addition, the book sets forth specific strategies for interpreting the various genres of Scripture, from poetry to epistle to prophecy. A final chapter is devoted to helpful Bible study resources that will equip the reader to apply Scripture to life.


Author(s): Andreas J. Köstenberger & Justin Taylor
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Apr 24-25)
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The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ stands as the most important event in human history. The Gospel writers understood this, devoting a proportionally large amount of space to Jesus’s arrest, trial, crucifixion, and empty tomb. But how do the four Gospel accounts fit together? What really happened and what does it all mean? Combining a chronological arrangement of the biblical text with insightful commentary from Andreas J. Köstenberger, one of evangelicalism’s brightest scholars, along with Justin Taylor, a well-known leader and blogger, this book offers readers a day-by-day guide to Jesus’s final week on earth. Complete with a handy, quick-reference glossary and numerous maps illustrating key biblical locations, The Final Days of Jesus will help readers understand the geography, timeline, and background of Jesus’s final days while serving as a devotional guide for meditating on the most important week in human history.

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Book details:

Kregel: Invitation to World Missions: A Trinitarian Missiology for the Twenty-first Century by Dr Timothy Tennent vs. Invitation to Educational Ministry: Foundations of Transformative Christian Education by George Hillman & Sue Edwards

Intervarsity Press: The Theology of Jeremiah: The Book, the Man, the Message by John Goldingay vs. The Theology of the Book of Isaiah by John Goldingay

Reformation Heritage: Still Protesting: Why the Reformation Matters by D. G. Hart vs. The American Puritans by Dustin W. Benge & Nate Pickowicz

New Leaf: How the Bible Works by Bill Foster vs. How to Read the Bible “Literally” by Bill Foster

Good Book Company: Stop Taking Sides: How Holding Truths in Tension Saves Us from Anxiety and Outrage by Adam Mabry vs. Humble Calvinism: And if I Know the Five Points, But Have Not Love … by J.A. Medders

Crossway: Family Discipleship: Leading Your Home through Time, Moments, and Milestones by Matt Chandler & Adam Griffin vs. God, Marriage, and Family (Second Edition): Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation by Andreas J. Kostenberger

Christian Focus: Living by Revealed Truth by Tom Nettles vs. Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for Those who Suffer from Depression by Zack Eswine

David C. Cook: 40 Prayers for Your Quiet Time: Prayers for the Church or Home by David Clowes vs. Let Us Pray: 120 Prayers for All Occasions by David Clowes

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