
Tag: A Rational Look at An Emotional Issue

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Abortion: A Rational Look at An Emotional IssueAuthor(s): R.C. Sproul
Publisher: Reformation Trust Publishing
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul employs his unique perspective as a highly experienced pastor-theologian and a trained philosopher to provide well-considered and compassionate answers to the difficult questions that attend termination of pregnancy. Dr. Sproul strives for a factual, well-reasoned approach informed by careful biblical scholarship. He considers both sides of this issue in terms of biblical teaching, civil law, and natural law. This edition includes a new foreword by Dr. George Grant and has been updated to reflect developments in the issue of abortion. Appendixes provide further background on the issue of when life begins and list sources for pro-life resources.


A Nation Divided
The Sanctity of Life
The Sanctity of Life and Natural Law
When Does Life Begin?
What If You Are Not Sure about Abortion?
The Role of Government in Abortion
A Woman’s Right to Her Body
Three Frequent Assertions
The Pro-Choice Position
The Problem of Unwanted Pregnancies
Is Abortion the Unpardonable Sin?
A Pro-Life Strategy
Resources (more…)

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