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Author(s):  Mark D. Thompson
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Feb 28-29)
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A Clear and Concise Exploration of the Christian Doctrine of Scripture

The Bible is the written word of the living God. He speaks through this word, working in and through human agents as he reveals himself to his people. His word is trustworthy, yet many Christians struggle to articulate why they believe that to be true. Centered in the words of Scripture and especially the teaching of Jesus himself, this volume unpacks the doctrine of Scripture as taught by the church through the ages, helping to strengthen readers’ confidence in God’s word.

Despite the challenges that are often leveled against the Bible, Thompson clearly articulates what Jesus taught about the Scriptures, how God speaks to his people through the written word, the crucial work of the Holy Spirit to apply the word, and the vital attributes of Scripture—its clarity, truthfulness, sufficiency, and efficacy. Readers will find encouragement to walk according to the word and to delight in the God who speaks.


Author(s): Adam Mabry
Publisher:  The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Feb 28-29)
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Love and wrath. Sovereignty and responsibility. Victory and suffering. Some of the truths we read in the Bible seem to be in
opposition to each other. We naturally tend to gravitate towards a side, but when we lose sight of one truth in order to protect the other, we are in danger of becoming proud, creating division, and diminishing our faith.

In this compelling, inspiring, and at times provocative book, Adam Mabry urges us to stop taking sides and refuse to participate in tribalism by mapping out a way to hold in tension truths that we so often divide over.

You’ll discover how our joy and our witness rest on us learning to hold to all that the Scriptures teach and growing in virtue as we do. You’ll learn how to wrestle with all that the Scriptures say, to embrace mystery, to listen closely, and to speak with clarity.


Author(s): Jeff Raymond
Publisher: Take Me Away Books, a division of Winged Publications
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Centuries-old clues spark a modern-day pursuit.

One of history’s most intriguing family dynasties fails in efforts to acquire the ancient manuscript they most desire. Yet, the Medici patriarchs leave an obscure series of clues for others to navigate. After more than 500 years, the rediscovered clues spark a quest that could lead to the most important Biblical find of our times.

The Medici Quest follows Ethan Montgomery and Chloe Conrad from their first meeting in the historic center of Florence, Italy, to Rome and eventually to the Greek island of Rhodes as they face puzzles, dangers, and doubt. Even as the pair grows closer and continues to solve a centuries-old mystery, others on the same path will go to any length to possess the ancient manuscript and remove Ethan and Chloe from the picture–permanently.

Highlighted by accurate locations and blending in factual historical characters and events, The Medici Quest explores the real-life topics of faith, grace, and redemption.

Author(s): Bryan Osborne
Publisher:  Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Feb 28-29)
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The collapse of the Christian worldview in America and the West is happening, to the utter shock of Christians. Why? They’ve been blind to the enemy’s stealth attack on biblical history and authority, which has led multiple generations to abandon God’s Word as their foundation.

When our culture asks the questions dealt with in this book — and our kids parrot these questions and ideas heard from schools, libraries, movies, books, music, YouTube, social media, etc. — it must be remembered they’re not innocent, unintentional questions. They stem fundamentally from a rejection of biblical authority. Quick Answers to Social Issues provides answers for some of the toughest questions of the day regarding:


Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Feb 29

Ends Feb 29

Ends Feb 29

Ends Feb 29

Ends Feb 29

Ends Feb 29

Author(s): Christie Purifoy
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Ends Feb 29)
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Placemaker is a call to tend our souls, our land, and our homes–to cultivate comfort, beauty, and peace in the places God has us.

Images of comfortable kitchens and flower-filled gardens stir something deep within us–we instinctively long for home. In a world of chaos and conflict, we want a place of comfort and peace.

In Placemaker, Christie Purifoy invites us to notice our soul’s desire for beauty, our need to create and to be created again and again. As she reflects on the joys and sorrows of two decades as a placemaker and her recent years living in and restoring a Pennsylvania farmhouse, Christie shows us that we are all gardeners. No matter our vocation, we spend much of our lives tending, keeping, and caring. In each act of creation, we reflect the image of God. In each moment of making beauty, we realize that beauty is a mystery to receive.


Author(s): David Platt
Publisher:  Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Ends Feb 29)
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The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics—and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.

Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel—one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.

But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel. Worldly division or otherworldly unity. Compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find unimaginable reward as we:


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