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Author(s): Sean McDowell & Jonathan Morrow
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 3-4)
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Sean McDowell and Jonathan Morrow have penned an accessible yet rigorous look at the arguments of the New Atheists. Writing from a distinctively Christian perspective, McDowell and Morrow lay out the facts so that the emerging generation can make up their own mind after considering all the evidence.

Author(s): Lisa Brockman
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Imagine what might happen if the solid foundation of what you believe suddenly begins to shake…

That’s exactly what happened to Lisa Brockman, a six-generation Mormon with lineage tracing back to the early church. In college, Lisa found herself challenged to defend her faith, and the beliefs she knew to be true began to unravel. In Out of Zion, Lisa shares her journey of discovering the biblical Jesus and the key conversations that led her from the faith of her ancestors to conversion to Christianity.

If you have reached a place of questioning what you believe, or you long for confidence to share your faith with others, Lisa provides the framework you need to…

understand the nuances of the history and evolution of Mormon culture
learn to identify the vital differences between the Mormon and biblical plans of salvation
compassionately engage in conversation with your Mormon friends and neighbors
As you follow the evolution of Lisa’s faith, you will face the same challenge to defend what you believe and, ultimately, learn to share the gospel effectively with others.


Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.99       (Ends May 31)
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Studying the Bible does not have to be an intimidating or overwhelming experience. The study of God’s Word can be easy and rewarding if you break down the Bible into easy-to-understand segments. The NKJV Know The Word Study Bible offers three easy ways to begin studying Scripture and helps individuals transition from being a casual reader of the Bible to becoming a regular student of the Word. Whether you prefer to study the Bible book by book, verse by verse, or topic by topic, each starting point offers powerful insights that will help you develop a daily routine of Bible study. The Book by Book series of notes leads you through the main points of each book of the Bible. The Verse by Verse studies help you to dig deeper into God’s Word at a verse level. The Topic by Topic articles, which cover 21 key theological topics, give you a bird’s-eye view of Scripture and guide you through the main themes that run throughout the Bible. (more…)

Author(s): Yvrose Telfort Ismael
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

A Courageous Yes

When Yvrose fled her native Haiti for the United States, she couldn’t imagine she’d return. After suffering multiple miscarriages, she struggled to build a new life. In a desperate moment, she finally met Jesus—uttering her first “yes” to God. That one yes became many when she couldn’t forget the faces of the children she saw in a recurring dream. Finally, a trip to Haiti brought her dream to life when she became Mama to the many children left with no home after a catastrophic earthquake devastated the nation. Becoming Mama tells the incredible story of one woman who had the courage to lay everything aside in answer to God’s call.

You will be encouraged by God’s overwhelming faithfulness to Yvrose’s every yes to God, and learn you don’t have to sell everything or travel to far-off places to make a difference. All you need is an open heart ready to say yes to His call.

Author(s): Michael Youssef
Publisher: Charisma House
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 30)
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Our culture has lost its mind. Now, we are waging a bigger fight—a war for our soul.

Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are under siege and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred in a single generation and was not so much the result of invasions by their enemies but the result of moral decay and internal corruption. Similar patterns are emerging in America. We neglected or abandoned our traditional institutions long ago, but now it’s time to take them back.

Today, forces are at work to strip the principles and precepts of faith from public venues or minimize their significance. Many progressive leaders are convinced that when Christianity disintegrates it will create peace on earth. But the loss of our heritage will merely create a spiritual vacuum that will be filled with folly, crammed with chaos, or invaded by Islam. The reality is: Western civilization will become so decadent and reckless that America will collapse like a house of cards.


Author(s): Doreen Virtue
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (Ends May 31)
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The Miraculous Story of a Hugely Successful New Age Teacher’s Conversion to Christianity

In this brilliant, utterly captivating memoir, Doreen Virtue chronicles her journey in discovering everything she believed in was a lie. She poignantly shares the price she’s paid for following Jesus.

New Age teachings are based on concepts that sound almost irresistible. But as Doreen discovered, they come with a hidden price: your eternal destiny. Here is a riveting, personal confessional of how a former false prophet learned to trust God after nearly wasting a lifetime being independent and willful—trying to predict and control the future—and how Jesus saved her soul from deception and opened her eyes to His truth.

Deceived No More can help you learn how to discern dangerous teachings so you can detect and avoid deception. Topics include:

How to spot New Age teachings, and why they’re dangerous
Biblical ways to deal with persecution, spiritual warfare, and other post-conversion issues
How to witness to a New Ager


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