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Author(s): Steven M. Bryan
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 13-14)
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Understanding God’s Design for Cultural Diversity

Humanity’s diverse nationalities, ethnicities, and races were intended to be a blessing from God. However, due to sin and rebellion, these differences often result in alienation, hatred, and even violence, becoming one of the most urgent problems facing the world. Cultural divisions are unfortunately common in the church, too. How can Christians embrace God’s purposes for diversity and experience renewal and unity as his people?

Steven Bryan presents a biblical framework for thinking about cultural identity and experiencing cultural diversity as a positive good that God intended. Writing from more than 20 years of experience in cross-cultural mission work in Ethiopia, Bryan examines historical and political aspects of nationality, ethnicity, and race. This practical examination of cultural ideologies—including multiculturalism, nationalism, and intersectionality—helps readers move from asking, Who am I? to Who are we? as God’s people.


Author(s): David Mathis
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Mar 13-14)
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Thirty short but profound reflections that help you to meditate on and marvel at the sacrificial love of Jesus. This book also works fantastically as a devotional.

These short but profound reflections from David Mathis, author of The Christmas We Didn’t Expect, will help you to look deeper at Jesus’ life, sacrificial death and spectacular resurrection—enabling you to treasure anew who Jesus is and what he has done for us.

Many of us are so familiar with the Easter story that it becomes easy to miss subtle details and difficult to really enjoy its meaning. This book will help you to pause and marvel at Jesus, whose now-glorified wounds are a sign of his unfailing love and the decisive victory that he has won:

“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)


Author(s): Henry Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 13-14)
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Evidence for the inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, testimony of fulfilled prophecy, and the argument for the existence of the God of the Bible
The uniqueness of Christianity, authenticity of God’s Word, and character of God
Many people in Christian circles today no longer believe that the Bible is reliable in its traditional literal and historical sense. They have come to feel that their religious experience must be realized either through some sort of subjective “relevance” and “fulfillment,” rather than truth.

The purpose of this book is to survey the “many infallible proofs” of the unique truth and authority of Biblical Christianity, together with a refutation of its alleged fallacies and a reconciliation of its alleged discrepancies. Not only is there no mistake or contradiction in the Bible, but also there are innumerable evidences of its divine inspiration and authority.

In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books from HarperCollins Christian Publishing. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Mar 13 Only

Mar 13 Only

Mar 13 Only

Mar 13 Only

Mar 13 Only

48 Days to the Work and Life You Love
Dan Miller
Publisher: 48 Days Press
Price: $1.99       (Mar 13 Only)
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Learn how to discover your unique talents, establish a clear focus, and then find—or create—the appropriate application for purposeful and profitable work.

48 Days to the Work and Life You Love offers plenty of smart ideas for thriving in today’s changing workforce. This revised edition also includes fresh tips on career search and resume tools, interview skills, negotiating salaries, and more.

According to financial expert Dave Ramsey, “Few categories of our lives define us and grow us spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and as people. Our work is one of those defining areas. Sadly, a ‘j-o-b’ is what most people settle for. But as Dan Miller so powerfully points out in 48 Days to the Work You Love, a calling lights up your life.”

As a leading vocational thinker, New York Times–bestselling author Dan Miller helps readers better understand and organize their God-given skills, personality traits, values, dreams, and passions. In turn, they’ll see clear patterns form that point them toward successful career decisions. 48 Days to the Work and Life You Love is packed with modern insight and timeless wisdom and provides a step-by-step process for creating a Life Plan and translating it into meaningful, satisfying daily work.

“Dan Miller was the catalyst for me finally starting the business that I had dreamed about for years. His coaching went far beyond what would normally be expected. I will be forever indebted to him!” —Patricia Smith, former executive vice president of Wyndham International and founder of The Smith Factor

Good Money Revolution
Derrick Kinney
Publisher: Skyhorse
Price: $2.99       (Ends Mar 27)
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Do you feel like you deserve to make more money?

In Good Money Revolution, you’ll learn to make more money, live the life you deserve, and change the world, too. Derrick Kinney is the fresh financial voice to guide you there.

This book gives you a shame-free, simple success plan for your money—without cutting out your favorite latte!

You hate debt and worked hard paying it down. Now you wonder, What’s next? As you worry about the future, you can’t afford to get it wrong and need a financial plan that fits your unique goals and dreams. You want to make more money and make the world better, but you don’t have a clue where to start.

You should have a bigger paycheck, enjoy real financial freedom, and live the life you’ve always wanted. If you’re not making the money you deserve, and you’re not making the impact on the world you’ve always wanted, there’s a better way for your money today.

Money is good and you should have more of it. But not for the reasons you might think.

Here’s a secret: lots of money won’t make you happy—until you add meaning to your money. When you connect your cash to a cause, your money to a movement, and your profits to a purpose you love, you will make more money and create a life full of meaning and purpose.

In Good Money Revolution, you’ll discover:
The secret to making more money—your Generosity Purpose
5 money mindsets keeping you from cash
How to teach your money to make you money—and use it for good
The 3 Levers of Money: Save More, Crush Your Debt, and Earn More
How to transform your business and create a raving customer base

Don’t just make money. Make Good Money. This book will show you how. Welcome to the Good Money Revolution.

Author(s): Jonathan Murphy
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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You may feel like an ordinary believer, but God has a knack of using ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary purposes. Authentic Influencer encourages you to walk with Barnabas, learn from God, and shape the world for Jesus Christ— one life at a time.

God’s approach to influencing the world is through His people. People shape people. And yet, many of God’s people spectate from the sidelines unsure of what to do. Authentic Influencer is rooted in principles emerging from the life of God’s choice example in the Scriptures—a man called Barnabas—rather than recycled quotes from corporate leadership works.

Every follower of Jesus can be inspired, instructed, and mobilized to influence the world from right where they are. In fact, it is everyday believers—not just “professional” Christians such as pastors, church leaders, authors, and others—who are specifically tasked by Jesus Himself to bring godly influence to the world. We are all His agents of change, be it shaping one person or a thousand.


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