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Secrets of a Prayer Warrior
Derek Prince
Publisher: Chosen Books
Price: $0.99       DEAL EXPIRED
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One of the most personal and powerful acts a Christian can engage in is prayer. Yet many believers struggle with their prayer lives, wondering whether they are really making a difference and how they can be more effective. Delving deep into the biblical understanding of prayer, beloved author and leader Derek Prince shows readers the secret to leading a dynamic prayer life, how to receive what they ask for, and how to align themselves with the heart of God. Practical strategies like fasting, biblical study, discipline, and consistency are extensively explained and illustrated by powerful testimonies. This is a life-changing book.

Praying the Promises: Anchor Your Life to Unshakable Hope
Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Find security and hope in a broken world through the unshakable promises of God. Join New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado as he leads you through 30 life-changing promises from God in Praying the Promises. You’ll experience a more intimate and effective prayer life and a deeper faith in the God who keeps every promise.

Max Lucado invites you to:

discover a deeper understanding of the peace and security God offers His people
learn from the stories of God’s faithfulness and identify tangible ways to implement faith into your own prayer life
develop a deeper appreciation for the biblical people of faith, reflections, and prayers so you can see a clearer picture of how God is the rock you can build your life upon
Praying the Promises is a great gift for birthdays, clergy appreciation, holiday gift giving, or to someone needing encouragement. Inside you’ll discover:

30 sections grouped by Scripture driven promises from God
thoughtful teachings from Max which can be read collectively or as a 30-day devotional
Scripture that reinforces each promise
prayers to help you prayer God’s promises
Whether you are a lifelong believer or if faith is a brand-new adventure, Praying the Promises offers you access to the God who has kept His promises since the beginning of time and will continue to do so for eternity.

Author(s): Josh Khachadourian
Publisher: N/A
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

Who sets the standard for men?
With no shortage of voices competing for the definition of masculinity, Josh Khachadourian has emerged with one single war cry: “Jesus is the Standard.”
Inside of “The Standard” you’ll discover the ancient disciplines, actions and methods of the Master empowering your breakthrough so you can reach your maximum potential with nothing holding you back.
Do you struggle balancing work, family and spiritual life? Discover the morning routine Jesus used to master his time, influence others, take territory and change the world.
Do you think life would be easier if you knew how to ethically control conversations and share your thoughts and opinions powerfully? Discover the little-known ways Jesus used to communicate and how using them shifts everything.
Too weak? Too masculine? Too Toxic? The world is wrestling over the definition of masculinity. Inside you’ll discover exactly what Jesus modeled for manhood and how you too can take dominion in every area of your life.
Balancing our marriage, kids, business and spiritual life is hard. When you know the one secret Jesus shares you’ll see the unfair advantage men really have when they choose to access it.
‘The Standard’ is a no fluff playbook where you will learn and build high-performance habits in your life.
Get started today and own “The Standard.”

Author(s): Paul Washer
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (July 20-21)
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Talk is cheap, and so is a profession of faith apart from repentance. But we live in a day when people put more stock in a once-said prayer than a life reflective of a renewed heart. Taking Matthew 7:13–27 as his text, Paul Washer reminds us of Jesus’s insistence that His way is narrow, and that its travelers will bear good fruit and rest on the solid foundation of God’s Word. Neglecting these warnings from Christ has left many on the broad road to destruction. Don’t think you are heading to heaven if you are not following the way of the Master.

“Paul Washer is a gifted evangelist who brings a penetrating gospel message that pierces straight to the heart. This book is an expanded version of a message he gave that had an unusually profound effect upon countless souls. You will want to read these pages carefully because they will either expose unconverted hearts or bring the blessed assurance of salvation to those who have truly believed. May these provocative truths find their way into your soul for your eternal good.” —Steven J. Lawson, president, OnePassion Ministries, Dallas, Texas

PAUL WASHER ministered as a missionary in Peru for ten years, during which time he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support Peruvian church planters. Paul now serves as one of the laborers with the HeartCry Missionary Society (www.heart crymissionary.com). He and his wife, Charo, have four children: Ian, Evan, Rowan, and Bronwyn.


Author(s): Becky Harling
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: FREE       (Ends July 26)
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One of the most powerful ways to love your kids may surprise you: develop a habit of praising God. In The 30-Day Praise Challenge for Parents, Becky Harling invites you to praise God for twenty minutes a day for one month. You’ll be amazed at how praising God:
Quiets your anxiety about your kids
Provides a shelter of protection over your family
Breaks the chains of generational sin
Deepens your children’s faith
Strengthens your own spiritual life
Arranged topically, this book includes a list of selected songs and creative ideas for continuing the habit of praise throughout your parenting journey.

Becky Harling is a sought-after speaker and the author of several books. Her degree in biblical literature, and her experience as a missionary, women’s ministries director, and breast cancer survivor, bring depth to her message. Becky’s husband, Steve, is pastor at Foothills Community Church in Arvada, Colorado. Becky and Steve have four grown children and five grandchildren.


Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.




Ends Aug 3

Ends Aug 3


Author(s): Ray Comfort
Publisher: Bridge-Logos Publishers
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Jesus was not afraid to shake people up. He spoke openly of their sinful nature and the righteousness of God. He forced people to confront their sin head-on, and He brought them face-to-face with their need for salvation — because He loved them. Who do you know who isn’t saved? If they died tonight, where would they spend eternity? Do you care? If so, what are you doing to help them? The Way of the Master will put a great tool into your hand and will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear — the way Jesus did! You will become equipped to confidently lead anyone — friend, family member, coworker, neighbor, or stranger on the street — to a clear understanding of repentance and what it means to be a true and active follower of Jesus Christ.

Author(s): Gail Baker
Publisher: Resource Publications
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

When Baker yearns for something more, she discovers that the Christian message answers the deep yearning within each of us to resolve human suffering. Baker’s conversion is not a blinding-light epiphany, but a process spanning years of agonizing conflict, echoing twenty centuries of misunderstanding between Christians and Jews.
Living in the same city as her chagrined parents, she is forced to process difficulties related to family dynamics, group loyalty, and identity politics. Readers will be emboldened by Baker’s decision to follow Christ at the risk of rupturing ties with family and community. Her book will appeal to all who seek God’s guidance in making difficult life decisions.
This book is a must-read for Christians who wish to engage with their Jewish friends. The Jewish mindset is tenderly revealed, showing why so many Jews bristle at the mere mention of Jesus.

“Gail’s quest is honest and authentic. It’s easy to go along and accept what one’s been taught. She’s sought God on her own terms. It’s a path of discovery and only good things can come from it.”
–Hesh Epstein, Orthodox Rabbi


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