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Author(s): Michael Toler
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Who wants to read a revolutionary approach to leadership that transcends traditional norms and empowers leaders to forge empathetic, trust-based environments free from stress and micromanagement?

That’s what best selling author and entrepreneur, Michael Toler, accomplishes in this compelling roadmap for today’s leaders. Inside you’ll find:

How to Build a Culture of Trust
Empowering Team Building Principles
Practical and Actionable Strategies

“If you want an organization where individuals thrive, creativity flourishes, and cohesion is the norm, then this book is a must read.”

Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 20-21)
Buy Now!

Where do dinosaurs fit in the biblical account of creation, in science, and in ancient history? When did they roam the earth? Are they even real?

The widespread teaching of the theory of evolution leaves many Christians with big questions about the biblical account of creation, the age of the earth, and validity of the Bible as real history. In The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved, Christian apologist and Creation Scientist, Ken Ham delivers scientific and historical evidence of these highly controversial and fascinating beasts.

Within these easy to read pages, you will find
dinosaur facts and theories
references to dinosaurs in the Bible
a biblical view of all creation
the inconsistencies of the theory of evolution
a great resource to defend and strength your faith

This book is an excellent resource for religion and science classes from middle school on up. It can be used for individual study and as a reference for Bible scholars, paleontologists, teachers, and curious Christians.


Author(s): Cindy Woodsmall & Erin Woodsmall
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Until then may I use my time as you desire . . .

In 1985, Old Order Amish couple Celeste and Vin Lantz have been married for six years. Vin is a carpenter by trade but an artist in his heart. He is especially captivated by drawing portraits, which the Amish consider idolatry. Knowing they could be shunned, Celeste is shocked to discover that Vin has secretly been sketching her and their sons. When she confronts Vin, they argue and Vin storms off . . . and seems to disappear, leaving Celeste to wonder if he chose his art over his family.

When he leaves the house that night, Vin seeks peace on his favorite mountain overlook. But he takes a fall and wakes to find himself injured and lost. Vin soon realizes just how far he has traveled—not only in distance but back in time, to 1822 Ohio, a place that provides the freedom he craved but where he is separated from his beloved wife and children. Vin is saved by the kindness of strangers and gradually learns to survive and even to use his skills to help his new friends in this unfamiliar time and place. But all the while he prays desperately for God to return him to his family, before Celeste makes a new life without him.


Author(s): Ryan Whitaker Smith
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

It may be because I am silly, but I rather think that, relatively to the rest of the year, I enjoy Christmas more than I did when I was a child. My faith demands that such be the case. The more mature I become the more I need to embrace the joys of the incarnation. The more mature I become, the more I need to be but a child.

– G. K. Chesterton

Experience the warmth of Christmas through the winsome wit and wisdom of beloved writer G. K. Chesterton. This devotional—perfect for the Christmas season—includes selections of Chesterton’s writings, accompanied with commentary, Scripture readings, and reflections.

Be encouraged by Chesterton’s insight, charmed by the Victorian-inspired artwork, and delighted by the traditional English recipes. Make Chesterton’s poetry, short stories, and essays a part of your Christmas tradition!

A festive celebration of childlike wonder, the beautifully illustrated Winter Fire is a unique and meaningful gift.


Author(s): Mike Novotny
Publisher: Fedd Books
Price: $0.99       (Mar 18-22)
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A one-stop resource for biblical truths on the toughest questions and most challenging situations including anxiety, depression, sexual intimacy, marriage, and more.

Hot-button issues dominating our culture can make speaking out feel taboo. Hiding from hard conversations won’t work. We need to know what God actually says about these issues, and by looking to Scripture, we can find the answers. In Taboo, author Mike Novotny covers deeply personal, vulnerable, and emotional topics, handling them with grace and respect. It’s the ultimate resource for Christians looking to create change and deal with struggles in their own lives.

God’s Word gives us clarity, healing, and hope. Taboo is a must-read for Christians looking for a biblically based resource to modern questions.

Not talking is not helping! It’s time for believers to step gracefully into the Taboo and share God’s truth with a world in need.

In this grab bag, we have 4 e-books from Thomas Nelson. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Mar 25

Ends Mar 25

Ends Mar 25

Ends Mar 25

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