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Author(s): David Bradshaw
Publisher: Charisma House
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

What if the presence of God became so real in people’s hearts that it revived the church and ushered in the next Jesus Movement?

From the Upper Room in Jerusalem to the Moravian community in Germany, God’s personal presence always changes everything. Awaken the Dawn chronicles the story of a movement of day-and-night worship, prayer, creativity, and mission that is impacting America and the nations by bringing the presence of God into our cities and campuses. This story is part of the same movement David pioneered when he served as the greatest king in Israel’s history and that the Book of Acts chronicles as God’s presence filled communities.

It’s time for a generation to find their voice in the symphony of creative worship, prayer, and gospel proclamation that God is orchestrating. Jesus’ way of changing the world is surprising and exhilarating and is certainly the opposite of the systems of the world. This book will help you find your part in Jesus’ plan by discussing:


Author(s): Tchavdar S. Hadjiev
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (Dec 13-14)
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Joel’s arresting imagery―blasting trumpet, darkened sun, and marching hosts―has shaped the church’s eschatological vision of a day of wrath. Amos’s ringing indictments―callous oppression, heartless worship, and self-seeking gain―have periodically awakened the conscience of God’s people. Twenty-five-hundred years later, those prophetic words still speak powerfully. This Tyndale commentary by Tchavdar Hadjiev on the books of Joel and Amos examines their literary features, historical context, theology, and ethics.
The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties.
In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Meaning. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.

Author(s): David M. Hoffeditz
Publisher: Kregel Books
Price: $2.99       (Dec 13-14)
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Singleness is not a sin that needs to be redeemed. Yet for many single Christians, the way the church regards them often feels condemning. Living between these truths can be a painful, frustrating experience.

By examining eight individuals from Scripture who were single at some point in their adult lives–Paul, Anna, Martha, Jeremiah, Ruth, Joseph, Nehemiah, and John the Baptist–Hoffeditz guides readers through common struggles singles face, such as loneliness and disappointment.

Hoffeditz isn’t offering a self-help guide, a twelve-step program to recovery, or philosophical musings. They Were Single Too spells out concrete steps for a healthy, God-approved attitude toward unmarried life and how one can truly serve God without a spouse. Brief chapters with questions for reflection allow for either individual or group study.

Long used as a resource for singles ministries, this revised edition updates the language of this timeless biblical study and makes it more attractive for today’s reader.


Author(s): Heidi McKendrick
Publisher: Katamerismoú Publishing
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Get ready to challenge the way you see God. And the way you think He sees you… Do you feel broken, lost… is your life shattered into a thousand pieces, and you have no idea how to put it all back together? Are you yearning for fresh clay, and a new start? You’re not alone. God is the Great Potter, and through his loving hands, you will discover the secrets of broken pottery, and the strength he has hidden within all of us. In Secrets of Broken Pottery, author Heidi McKendrick strips away the illusions we’ve created around Biblical heroes and presents them in a realistic light, through tales of pitifully broken potteries. This book reaffirms that the Great Potter remains faithful even if we don’t. Heidi has conducted hundreds of workshops and seminars on grace-filled topics of brokenness for NGO organizations, churches, seminaries, and universities. Now, she brings that same passion to readers all around the world.

None of your broken pieces are wasted! Read Secrets of Broken Pottery, and discover the blessings in your brokenness today!


Author(s): Mark Driscoll & Ashley Chase
Publisher: Charisma House
Price: $2.51       Buy Now!

Praying like Jesus doesn’t just change your prayer life; it changes your entire life.

There are many books on prayer, and books on Jesus, but there is a need for a book about the prayer life of Jesus since His prayer life alone was the perfect prayer life.
How did Jesus pray? Why did Jesus pray? Where did Jesus pray? These questions and more will be examined as we look at what Jesus taught about prayer, as well as what Jesus modeled in prayer. This book will be biblical, practical, and easy to read so that it is accessible to a broad audience. Many people, Christian and non-Christian alike, statistically value prayer and try to have some sort of prayer life. But most people struggle to build any momentum in their prayer lives when they fall into a rut.

In Pray Like Jesus, Mark and Ashley want to help people build momentum in their prayer lives by experiencing the presence of God in an ever-deepening, life-giving, burden-relieving, and hope-lifting relationship with Jesus Christ.


In this grab bag, we have 6 Christmas fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Dec 16

Ends Dec 16

Ends Dec 16

Ends Dec 16

Ends Dec 16

Ends Dec 31

Discipleship Header

In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books on discipleship & spiritual growth. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.


Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 31


Ends Dec 31

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