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Author(s): Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Ends April 30)
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Quick answers to tough questions about Jesus’ life, ministry, and divinity.

Is there archeological proof that Jesus existed? Did Jesus ever actually claim to be God? Is Jesus really the only way? There’s a good chance that every Christian will be asked tough questions like these at some point in their lives, whether from combative skeptics, curious seekers, or even doubts in their own minds.

To help followers of Christ answer questions quickly and confidently, Josh and Sean McDowell adapted the wisdom from their apologetics classic Evidence That Demands a Verdict into an accessible resource that provides answers to common questions about Jesus.

Evidence for Jesus answers these questions and more:


Author(s): Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       (Ends April 30)
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Counter the lies that keep you from abundant living.

Satan is the master deceiver; his lies are endless. And the lies Christian women believe are at the root of most of their struggles.

“Many women live under a cloud of personal guilt and condemnation,” says Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. “Many are in bondage to their past. Others are gripped by fear of rejection and a longing for approval. Still others are emotional prisoners.”

In this bestseller, Lies Women Believe, Nancy exposes those areas of deception most commonly believed by Christian women—lies about God, sin, priorities, marriage and family, emotions, and more. She then sheds light on how we can be delivered from bondage and set free to walk in God’s grace, forgiveness, and abundant life. Nancy offers the most effective weapon to counter and overcome Satan’s deceptions: God’s truth!


Author(s): Gary Chapman
Publisher: Northfield Publishing
Price: $3.99       (Ends April 30)
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Simple ways to strengthen any relationship

With more than 20 million copies sold, The 5 Love Languages® continues to transform relationships worldwide. And though originally written for married couples, its concepts have proven applicable to families, friends, and even coworkers.

The premise is simple: Each person gives and receives love in a certain language, and speaking it will strengthen that relationship. For singles, that means you can:

Understand yourself and others better
Grow closer to family, friends, and others you care about
Gain courage to express your emotions and affection
Discover the missing ingredient in past relationships
Date more successfully
and more


Author(s): Peter J. Leithart
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (Apr 1-2)
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In Delivered from the Elements of the World Peter Leithart reframes Anselm’s question, “Why the God Man?” Instead he asks, “How can the death and resurrection of a Jewish rabbi of the first century . . . be the decisive event in the history of humanity, the hinge and crux and crossroads for everything?” With the question reframed for the wide screen, Leithart pursues the cultural and public settings and consequences of the cross and resurrection. He writes, “I hope to show that atonement theology must be social theory if it is going to have any coherence, relevance or comprehensibility at all.” There are no small thoughts or cramped plot lines in this vision of the deep-down things of cross and culture. While much is recognizable as biblical theology projected along Pauline vectors, Leithart marshals a stunning array of discourse to crack open one of the big questions of Christian theology. This is a book on the atonement that eludes conventional categories, prods our theological imaginations and is sure to spark conversation and debate.

Author(s): Russel N. Small
Publisher: Kregel Ministry
Price: $2.99       (Apr 1-2)
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Church Revitalization guides current and future leaders through the often-complex process of bringing a church to a place of vibrancy. This book demonstrates how the overarching goal of seeing people come to faith in Christ and develop into Christlikeness can—and must—inform the most foundational to the most fleeting aspects of revitalizing a struggling church.

Church Revitalization Strategist Rusty Small systematically walks readers through the many considerations of leading a church out of a decline. He helps identify the best approach for addressing what a particular church’s revitalization need may be:
Refresh – often most fitting after a difficult season in the church’s life
Renovate – needed when a decline has lasted five to ten years
Restore – appropriate for churches with generational patterns focused on survival
Replant – best for a church facing imminent closure


Love & Marriage Header

In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books on marriage from Crossway. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Apr 7

Ends Apr 7

Ends Apr 7

Ends Apr 7

Ends Apr 7

Author(s): Tessa Afshar
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Apr 30)
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Jemmah has always thought of herself as perfectly ordinary . . . until she faces extraordinary circumstances.

When her mother, the Persian king’s famous senior scribe, is kidnapped, Jemmah and her sister must sneak undetected into enemy territory to rescue her. But infiltrating their adversary’s lands proves easier than escaping them. Fleeing through dangerous mountain passes, their survival depends on the skills of a stranger they free from prison: a mysterious prince named Asher.

Asher is not who the world believes he is. Despite his royal blood, he has had to climb his way out of poverty to forge success from nothing. A manufacturer of some of the best weaponry in the East, Asher has only one goal: to destroy his father. But following his escape from prison, Asher is irresistibly drawn to Jemmah, unaware that she guards her own secret.


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