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In this grab bag, we have an assortment of 6 e-books from various authors and publishers. The prices and sale dates that our source has provided are under each e-book cover.







Fiction (Female) Header

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books from various authors. The prices and sale dates that our source has provided are under each e-Book cover.







Author(s): Judson I Stone
Publisher: BookBaby
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Take a seat on the flight to almost everywhere as Colonel Frederic A. Stone, M.D. grows into manhood fretting about what career path to take and thinking that a military track will limit his life experiences. He chooses the Army anyway in February 1941 and starts on the adventure of his life—one that will surprise even him and far exceed anything he could imagine. Visit places in the U.S. and around the world that you might never have known existed or even thought about visiting. Join this member of the greatest generation as he finds that dreams can be fulfilled in the most unexpected ways through a career, marriage and fatherhood, and ambitions.

The greatest generation is shrinking rapidly and Frederic A. Stone was a last chapter of it. He left a legacy in aviation, medicine, missions, and friendship to humanity. Let his story inspire you to trust in God with your dreams and ambitions. You, too, will be surprised on this flight to everywhere.

Author(s): Jeff D. Reeter
Publisher: Worthy Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

In this guide to living as your authentic self, a successful businessman offers advice on how to live a prosperous and rewarding life by learning to take charge and lead yourself and others.

Countless books focus on leadership. Numerous podcasts and TedTalks speak about leading others, leading organizations, developing leaders, and so on. But before you can lead others well, much less discover real success or leave a legacy that others will remember you for, you must first learn to lead yourself.

Jeff D. Reeter is a successful businessman, as well as an accomplished leader who has helped many become better versions of themselves. He has guided many on the path to achieving their goals, and he believes that when you live your life by design and make decisions based on your intentions, you can lead yourself to live the life you have always imagined.

Do Life Differently will help lead you toward extraordinary in all areas of life by offering guiding questions and exercises that will help you create your very own custom-tailored master action plan. Each step is designed with the purpose of helping you understand how to become the best version of your authentic self. You will also create a legacy that encourages others to learn, grow, and gain wisdom, values which will help them on their own journey.


Kids / Children's Header

In this grab bag, we have 6 kids e-books from various publishers. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Jan 3

Ends Dec 22

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 31

Ends Dec 31

Author(s): Becky Thompson
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
Price: $1.99       (Ends Jan 3)
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The bestselling author of Love Unending and Midnight Mom Devotional reassures anxious women that even if you can’t shake off fear, your faith is not broken.

For years, Christian women have been told, “If you just prayed more, had more faith, and trusted Jesus, you’d have more peace.” But what does it mean when a Christian momma continues to worry? How does she reconcile her feelings of fear with her faith in God? And how does she raise her children in a home full of peace when she feels anything but peaceful?

Becky Thompson, a best-selling author with a degree in biblical studies, knows firsthand what it is like to suffer from the crippling effects of anxiety–a condition she has struggled to overcome for most of her life. For her and many others, the fear she faces is not a faith issue. It’s a physical one that affects over 40 million adults in the US. (more…)

Author(s): Anne Graham Lotz
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $1.99       (Ends Jan 3)
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ECPA BESTSELLER • CHRISTIAN BOOK AWARD FINALIST • The beloved Bible teacher and daughter of Billy Graham shares a rich treasury of her personal prayers to guide you into deeper, more intimate daily conversations with God.

Why is it that as soon as we bow our heads to pray, we start thinking of other things we need to do? How do we make time to pray in the middle of our busy lives? And how do we know what to say and how to say it?

Like many of us, Anne Graham Lotz has struggled with prayer. Over the years, she discovered that writing out her prayers draws her into deeper, more intimate conversations with God. The Light of His Presence offers forty of these tender, honest prayers for real-life situations as an invitation to deepen your own prayer life through worship, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession. You’ll be encouraged to lean more fully into God’s promises through this power-packed devotional resource, which includes inspiring quotes from Christians throughout the ages and also has space to journal your own words to God.

As Anne writes, “My prayer for you . . . is that God will use my struggle with prayer to help you overcome yours. And that, as a result, you will be drawn nearer to the heart of God.”

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