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Author(s): Henry M. Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Jan 26-27)
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The Remarkable Book of Job is a highly recommended Bible study resource offering significant insights not found anywhere else. Dr. Henry Morris, a professional scientist, and prolific author dedicated to defending the Bible as God’s inerrant Word reveals Job’s God-centered message, which has often been bypassed by writers seeking answers to man-centered problems.

Why does God who is omnipotent (able to prevent suffering) and merciful (willing to prevent suffering) allow suffering, particularly in the lives of those who have done nothing to deserve it? According to Morris, this question is actually not answered in the Book of Job. Instead, the Book of Job persuasively communicates the power and sovereignty of the Almighty God and truly confirms his role as Creator.

Bible study leaders are using The Remarkable Record of Job to:


Author(s): Harry James Fox
Publisher: Foxware Publishing LLC
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Do you love historical fiction, knights in armor and romance? How about a tale with all of these set in future North America? Escape to a passionate world of danger, love, war and redemption — the world of Stonegate.

The Old Empire is gone

But tales still tell of marvels from long ago-flying machines and devices run by the power of lightning. Now grass grows in the streets and rusted hulks are all that remain of the proud machines. A new time of troubles now threatens. The free towns of the rugged mountains and plains are in the path of conquest. The Prophet’s armies are coming, filled with hatred and armed with terrible, rediscovered weapons. Donald of Fisher, outcast and alone, is in the path of the march, searching for Rachel, who has been captured by the Raiders-minions of the Prophet. But how can he find and rescue one small captive in a wilderness teeming with enemies? And even if he succeeds, should he wield his sword beside the tiny band of defenders? Is Donald to become yet another victim, or is he, just possibly, the deliverer promised in prophecy? What can one person do in the face of a war that will shape the future of a continent?


Author(s): Mary Connealy
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Jan 26 Only)
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Left with little back in Missouri, Kevin Hunt takes his younger siblings on a journey to Wyoming when he receives news that he’s inheriting part of a ranch. The catch is that the ranch is also being given to a half brother he never knew existed. Turns out, Kevin’s supposedly dead father led a secret and scandalous life.

But danger seems to track Kevin along the way, and he wonders if his half brother, Wyatt, is behind the attacks. Finally arriving at the ranch, everyone is at each other’s throats and the only one willing to stand in between is Winona Hawkins, a nearby schoolmarm.

Despite being a long-time friend to Wyatt, Winona can’t help but be drawn to the earnest, kind Kevin–and that puts her in the cross hairs of somebody’s dangerous plot. Will they all be able to put aside their differences long enough to keep anyone from getting truly hurt?


Author(s): Heather Thompson Day
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

What do you do when it seems like everybody else is getting their dreams and you’re not?
You don’t have to be distressed when Instagram comparison makes you feel like others are more successful than you. Heather Thompson Day shows us to what we can do to shape ourselves while waiting, so we are ready when it’s our turn. She unpacks instant gratification and peer comparison in a social media world, and teaches how we can cultivate perspectives and practices that will enable us to be more content, patient, and constructive. We can learn to walk slowly and trust God to do his work in us, being more present in our relationships rather than striving for premature image-based success.
Your turn will come. Here’s what you can do to get there.

Author(s): Sallie Dawkins
Publisher: Firebrand United
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Can all Christians walk in miracle signs or is this reserved for an elite view? Does the speed of our obedience to God regulate our spiritual growth?

You’ll find the answers to these questions and more in You Can Share the Love of God With Others.

A heart encounter with God in 2015 challenged Sallie Dawkins’ entire belief system and set her on a supernatural journey of discovery that rapidly transformed her life. She believes cultivating a deeper relationship with Jesus brought victory over decades-long chronic pain. It’s what launched her into ministry as an ordained Christian healing evangelist. Sallie believes what God did for her, He’ll do for you, too.

Sallie Dawkins is an expert at coaching born-again Christians in spiritual growth. When she realized others were asking the same questions she once asked, she was inspired to write The Awakening Christian Series. This series is for Christians seeking a closer relationship with God. In book three, You Can Share the Love of God With Others, the author shares with heartwarming honesty the lessons she’s learned in her journey of learning to walk in obedience to see others healed and set free to live an abundant life in Christ.


Author(s): Jeffrey Bilbro
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $5.99       (Ends Jan 31)
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“Reading the morning newspaper is the realist’s morning prayer.”―G. W. F. Hegel
Whenever we reach for our phones or scan a newspaper to get “caught up,” we are being not merely informed but also formed. News consumption can shape our sense of belonging, how we judge the value of our lives, and even how our brains function. Christians mustn’t let the news replace prayer as Hegel envisioned, but neither should we simply discard the daily feed. We need a better understanding of what the news is for and how to read it well.
Jeffrey Bilbro invites readers to take a step back and gain some theological and historical perspective on the nature and very purpose of news. In Reading the Times he reflects on how we pay attention, how we discern the nature of time and history, and how we form communities through what we read and discuss. Drawing on writers from Thoreau and Dante to Merton and Berry, along with activist-journalists such as Frederick Douglass and Dorothy Day, Bilbro offers an alternative vision of the rhythms of life, one in which we understand our times in light of what is timeless. Throughout, he suggests practices to counteract common maladies tied to media consumption in order to cultivate healthier ways of reading and being.


Author(s): Tara Beth Leach
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99       (Jan 24-25)
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Something is not right. The witness of the church in North America is eroding. Many Christians are alarmed by the decline in church attendance and seek a culprit. Too often, we point the finger away from the church, make culture the enemy, and build walls between us and others. But our antagonism and enemy-making are toxins that further eat away at our witness. Is there a better way?
Tara Beth Leach could easily be one of those millennials giving up on the church. Instead, she is a pastor who loves the church and is paradoxically hopeful for its future. In an era where the church has lost much of its credibility, Leach casts a radiant vision for Christians to rediscover a robust, attractive witness. We need to name the toxic soil we’ve grown in, repent for past wrongs, and lean into a better way to become the church that Jesus proclaimed we would be.
Leach casts down idolatrous false images of God to recover a winsome picture of a kingdom of abundance and goodness. We can be sustained by practices that will tune our hearts to God’s and form us into the radiant communities God intends for us and those around us.

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