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Author(s): Dr Terry Mortenson
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 16-17)
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You can believe with great intellectual integrity what the Bible says about Adam and the origin and history of man.

THOUGH there are a growing number of books out on Adam, this one is unique with its multi-author combination of biblical, historical, theological, scientific, archaeological, and ethical arguments in support of believing in a literal Adam and the Fall. A growing number of professing evangelical leaders and scholars are doubting or denying a literal Adam and a literal Fall, which thereby undermines the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, who came to undo the damaging consequences of Adam’s sin and restore us to a right relationship with our Creator. This book will increase your confidence in the truth of Genesis 1–11 and the gospel:

– Enhance your understanding pertaining to the biblical evidence for taking Genesis as literal history
– Discover the scientific evidence from genetics, fossils, and human anatomy for the Bible’s teaching about Adam
– Understand the moral, spiritual, and gospel reasons why belief in a literal Adam and Fall are essential for Christian orthodoxy


Author(s): Joel Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Mar 15-16)
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Are you confused by the great variety of interpretations of the book of Revelation, such as the preterist, the historicist, the futurist, the idealist, and an eclectic approach that embraces the strengths of all these? Would you like a clear understanding of various millennial approaches related to the last times? In this book of sermons on Revelation, Joel Beeke gives you all this and much more as he preaches through Revelation in a thoroughly biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical way intended to comfort and mature believers, to warn the unsaved to flee to Christ for salvation, and to exalt Christ as the King of kings and only Head of His church.

Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.


Author(s): Bob Hartman
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: FREE       (Ends March 28)
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Clever Cub is a curious little bear who LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible and learn about God.

Papa and Mama Bear tell Clever Cub the exciting story of Easter morning when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave us the best surprise of all!

This engaging picture book:
Tells the story of Jesus’ resurrection from Matthew 28.
Helps children ages 3–6 discover the joyful surprise of Easter morning.
Includes questions about the story’s theme and ideas for learning more in the Bible.

Clever Cub and the Easter Surprise is part of the delightful Clever Cub children’s book series. Also check out Clever Cub Explores God’s Creation, Clever Cub Sings to God, Clever Cub Gives Thanks to God, Clever Cub Welcomes Baby Jesus, and Clever Cub Learns about Love.

Author(s): Wendy Pope
Publisher: David C. Cook
Price: $1.99       (Ends March 28)
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From the bestselling author of Wait and See,this interactive book explores the powerful conversations Jesus had with five women—Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha, the woman caught in adultery, and the woman at the well—reminding readers that Jesus is with them always.

When stress and fear feel overwhelming, women want to know that they are not alone and that they can still hold on to hope. With her approachable style and passion for God’s Word, author Wendy Pope calls readers to know Jesus more deeply as a:

Counselor who truly knows them.
Defender who protects them.
Father who brings healing and hope
Friend who will never leave them.

Jesus Everlasting includes thought-provoking questions, journaling space, and unique explorations of six hymns to draw readers closer to their Savior. This is a timely invitation for women to understand more of who Jesus is, was, and will be for every tomorrow.


Author(s): Rory Noland
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Spiritual formation is the key to the survival of our faith.
There is an urgent need today for church services that are substantive and purposeful. Stigmatized by scandal, the church in North America and throughout Europe has been branded as useless and irrelevant. To stem the tide of nominal Christianity, we need to get serious about making disciples who can make other disciples.
Rory Noland is a worship leader who has led in contexts ranging from megachurches to small retreat settings such as the Transforming Center with Ruth Haley Barton. Combining discipleship and worship―what Noland calls transforming worship―he offers a vision for worship as spiritual formation. We need to reclaim our worship services as a formative space, and through that we will become the light of Christ in a dark world.

Author(s): R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $4.99       (Mar 14-21)
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Know this Grace: He loved you by name before all creation.
Love this Truth: He’ll know you by name for all eternity.

The NIV Grace and Truth Study Bible paints a stunning canvas of the goodness of God’s redemptive plan revealed in the gospel of Jesus. Warmhearted and practical study notes guide your reading as you learn and relearn the good news of Jesus on every page. Whether you are just starting your walk with God or have been studying the Bible for years, you’ll gain fresh insights of grace and truth while you learn to love him more deeply.

Some Words of Grace and Truth:

Your citizenship is in heaven
God is your refuge and strength
The Spirit of Jesus lives in you
You who mourn will be comforted


Author(s): Thomas P. Johnston
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 14-15)
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Encounter North American evangelism from the Great Awakening to the present day

A History of Evangelism in North America guides readers on a tour through circuit riders and tent meetings to campus evangelism and online ministries. Academic research combines with gospel faithfulness and love for the lost in this historical survey. Encountering these prominent evangelism movements will inspire innovation and courage in the call to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Few Christians recognize the historical backgrounds of various evangelistic ministries, their theological traditions, or their guiding principles. A History of Evangelism in North America explores evangelism methodologies and legacies from the early 1700s to today. Experts deliver current scholarship on twenty-two evangelists and ministries, including the following:


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