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Author(s): Rice Broocks & Steve Murrell
Publisher: HarperChristian
Price: $1.99       (Ends Apr 30)
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In today’s uncertain world, storms will arise that test your faith in a loving heavenly Father. At times, the winds and waves of the world’s deceptions will roll in and seek to erode your confidence in God. Without a firm foundation in the truth of God’s Word, you may be tempted to go off course and accept less than God’s best for you. However, when you hear Jesus’ words, receive them, and put them into practice, you will construct a life the torrents cannot shake, “because it was well built” (Luke 6:48).

The Purple Book will help you understand foundational truths that God wants you to hear on topics such as sin, salvation, spiritual gifts, prayer, worship, generosity, and evangelism. It will show you how the Bible is “God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). It will help you understand that the faith you hold has true power to change lives and transform nations. It will give you a solid foundation the enemy cannot dismantle—and a heart shaped by knowledge of God’s Word.


Author(s): Paul R. Hinlicky
Publisher: Baker Academic
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

This brief introduction to Luther’s theology connects Luther with the evangelical tradition. Paul Hinlicky, one of today’s leading Lutheran theologians, explores six key areas of doctrine for which Luther is regarded as an authority, correcting common misconceptions of his thought in light of the whole of his theology. This work regrounds evangelical mission in a new evangelism and catechesis on the basis of Luther’s doctrine of the atonement as “joyful exchange.” In addition to its classroom utility, it will be of interest to evangelical pastors and church leaders.

Author(s): Stephen W. Smith
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (April 11-12)
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(Foreword by Dr. Gary Chapman) In a world of quick fixes and instant gratification, author Steve Smith invites the reader to focus on what truly matters most—the lifelong process of nurturing our souls by focusing on relationships, spiritual and personal growth and healing, and living out God’s purpose for our lives. (20061130)

Discipleship Header

In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books on discipleship. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends April 12

Ends April 30

Ends April 30

Ends April 30


Author(s): Joshua M. McNall
Publisher: IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The Christian faith requires faith. That means that believers are sometimes faced with uncertainty. But is all uncertainty bad?
Theologian Joshua McNall encourages readers to reclaim the little word “perhaps” as a sacred space between the warring extremes of unchecked doubt and zealous dogmatism. To say “perhaps” on certain contested topics means exercising a hopeful imagination, asking hard questions, returning once again to Scripture, and reclaiming the place of holy speculation as we cling to a faith that stands distinct from both pervasive skepticism and abrasive certainty.
In this day especially, it’s time Christians learned to say “perhaps.”

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