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Author(s): Bill Fix
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The Yellow One-Eyed Monster by Billy Fix

A rhyming picture book where Billy’s imagination had wrong conclusions. In bed, he covers his head. Should he look? When he looked, his imagination took over. This rhyming picture book story has a few good teaching points.

Bill hated going to bed because it was dark.
He covered his head, but it was too hot and difficult to breathe.
Trembling, Billy tried to see around his bedroom.
Then he saw what looked to be an eye. It was yellow and seemed to dance around the room.
Billy remained motionless and silent as his imagination went wild.
All ends well, but you must read the book to learn more.


Author(s): Herman Bavinck
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage
Price: $2.99       (Mar 21-22)
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In the late nineteenth century, two distinct reform movements coming out of the Dutch State Reformed Church (the Afscheiding of 1834 and the Doleantie of 1886) merged to form The Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (De Geereformeerde Kerken in Nederland). While both groups had much in common, there remained fundamental points of disagreement, which erupted into controversies over such doctrines as immediate regeneration and presumptive regeneration.

In ‘Saved by Grace’, Herman Bavinck discusses God’s gracious work in bringing fallen sinners to new life and salvation. He gives a careful historical analysis that shows how Reformed theologians have wrestled to understand and express the Holy Spirit’s work in calling and regeneration since the seventeenth century. Bavinck also brings exegetical precision and theological clarity to the discussion, carefully avoiding the errors of undervaluing and overvaluing the use of means in work of salvation. This book, therefore, takes up questions with which every new generation of Reformed writers must grapple.


Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Mar 31

Ends Mar 31

Ends Mar 31

Ends Apr 4

Ends Apr 4

Ends Apr 4

Screen Kids: 5 Relational Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World
Gary D Chapman & Arlene Pellicane
Publisher:  Moody Publishers
Price: $5.99       (Ends Mar 24)
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Has Technology Taken Over Your Home?

In this digital age, children spend more time interacting with screens and less time playing outside, reading a book, or interacting with family. Though technology has its benefits, it also has its harms.

In Screen Kids Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane will empower you with the tools you need to make positive changes. Through stories, science, and wisdom, you’ll discover how to take back your home from an overdependence on screens. Plus, you’ll learn to teach the five A+ skills that every child needs to master: affection, appreciation, anger management, apology, and attention. Learn how to:

Protect and nurture your child’s growing brain
Establish simple boundaries that make a huge difference
Recognize the warning signs of gaming too much
Raise a child who won’t gauge success through social media
Teach your child to be safe online
This newly revised edition features the latest research and interactive assessments, so you can best confront the issues technology create in your home. Now is the time to equip your child with a healthy relationship with screens and an even healthier relationship with others.

Grandparenting Screen Kids: How to Help, What to Say, and Where to Begin
Gary D Chapman & Arlene Pellicane
Publisher:  Moody Publishers
Price: $3.99       (Ends Mar 24)
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Grandparenting in the Digital Age

Things aren’t what they once were. As younger generations become increasingly immersed in the endless presence of tech, older generations struggle finding common ground to relate.The gap between grandparent and grandchild may feel wider than ever.

Grandparenting Screen Kids is a grandparent’s guide to start bridging this gap. Relationship expert Gary Chapman along with coauthor Arlene Pellicane will help you understand this different (and often troubling) world of iPads, YouTube and video games. They will offer activities to keep your grandkids occupied without screens and assist you in navigating differences with your adult children.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, under informed, and physically unable to meet the demands of active grandkids. That’s why this companion guide to the book Screen Kids has been written to connect you to information and encouragement. Technology isn’t going anywhere and your grandkids need you more than ever to guide them in ways that computer’s can’t.

Author(s): Rousseaux Brasseur
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Ends Apr 4)
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John Bunyan’s Bestseller as You’ve Never Experienced It Before

Did you know that John Bunyan’s timeless tale, ThePilgrim’s Progress, is the best selling book in history aside from the Bible, captivating millions of readers and impacting multiple generations of believers?

This fresh retelling of Bunyan’s masterwork features kid-friendly language in verse form, chronicling Christian’s quest for forgiveness, freedom, and an everlasting kingdom. Coupled with colorful illustrations that bring this epic journey to life, young readers ages eight and up will be inspired and captivated by this classic Christian allegory.

More than just a fantastical adventure, this book will help children gain greater knowledge of key Christian concepts in words they can understand, making it a perfect choice for family reading or a trustworthy alternative to screen time.

Bring this bestseller home and spark your child’s faith and imagination!

Author(s):  Andrea Jo Rodgers
Publisher:  Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.99       (Mar 21-28)
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Do You Believe in Miracles?

For more than three decades, Andrea Jo Rodgers has served her small-town community as a volunteer EMT. Over the years, the incredible events she’s witnessed have taught her that behind the scenes of every dark and dire situation waits a God capable of doing the impossible to help, protect, and save those He loves.

In Heaven-Sent Miracles and Rescues, Andrea shares tales of amazing and supernatural occurrences she’s seen from the frontline. From breathtaking water recoveries, to heroic battles against housefires, to astonishing interventions against medical crises, Andrea’s accounts of emergency rescues will have you reading at the edge of your seat while reassuring you of God’s awe-inspiring power over every circumstance.

Whether you’re searching for affirmation that miracles still happen, or you simply love reading exciting and inspiring true stories, Heaven-Sent Miracles and Rescues will leave you uplifted, encouraged, and on the lookout for God’s divine handiwork in your own day-to-day life.


Author(s): Peter Bussey
Publisher:  IVP Academic
Price: $2.99       (Mar 20-21)
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“The heavens declare the glory of God” (Ps 19:1). Can we still sing the words of the Psalmist in an age where scientists talk about an expanding cosmos, the Higgs boson, and the multiverse?
In Signposts to God particle physicist Peter Bussey introduces readers to the mysteries of modern physics and astronomy. Written in clear, accessible prose, Bussey provides a primer on topics such as the laws of nature, quantum physics, fine-tuning, and current cosmological models. He shows that despite the remarkable achievements of science, the latest research in these fields does not lead to simple physicalism in which physical processes are able to explain everything that exists.
Bussey argues that, far from ruling out a divine Creator, modern physics and astronomy present us with compelling signposts to God. The more we know about the cosmos and our presence in it, the more plausible belief in God becomes. We can be intellectually satisfied in both science and the Christian faith. Written by someone who has worked for years in scientific research, Signposts to God is a timely and winsome response to a cultural stalemate.

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