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Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 5 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Author(s): C.E. Bass
Publisher:  Ark Dove Press
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

What happens to the soul after death? Can love conquer all? Is it possible for a man of this day and age enter Heaven?

Daniel Rouza a leads a normal life filled with love, family and career but, his struggle with faith and temptations keeps one foot in each world. Once his world is turned upside down, will his wife of strong Christian faith, his church, friends along with deeds in this life, help him make it past the demons that guard the Tollhouses and reach eternal life?

In his debut novel, C.E. Bass takes you through one man’s journey through life, death and the aerial Tollhouses spoken of by St. Paul, the ancient church Father’s and modern day Saints.

A no holds barred story of what we do in this time and how it affects our salvation. The Tollhouse Trials appeals to all readers from the “Pilgrim’s Progress” to “The Exorcist”.

Author(s): Eric Mason
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $3.99       (Ends May 31)
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Urban Apologetics examines the legitimate issues that Black communities have with Western Christianity and shows how the gospel of Jesus Christ—rather than popular, socioreligious alternatives—restores our identity.

African Americans have long confronted the challenge of dignity destruction caused by white supremacy. While many have found meaning and restoration of dignity in the black church, others have found it in ethnocentric socioreligious groups and philosophies.

These ideologies have grown and developed deep traction in the black community and beyond. Revisionist history, conspiracy theories, and misinformation about Jesus and Christianity are the order of the day. Many young African Americans are disinterested in Christianity and others are leaving the church in search of what these false religious ideas appear to offer, a spirituality more indigenous to their history and ethnicity.


Author(s): Stephen A. Macchia
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $3.99       (Ends May 31)
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Spiritual discernment is a key theme in the Scriptures. From the Garden when Adam and Eve turned away from the simplest terms of a relationship with God, to the Garden when John the Apostle wrote the book of Revelation to a distracted people anticipating eternity, discerning God has been the heart of the matter. In modern times, however, we have forgotten the basic premise of practicing a preference for God, out of which we then are invited to live for God. Instead, we have implanted strategic planning, head-to-head battling, and will-of-God knowing in its place. In The Discerning Life, Stephen A. Macchia seeks to upend the one-eyed and limited Christian understandings of spiritual discernment and invite readers and leaders to reconsider how they prioritize the care of their souls, the grace of their communities, and the mission of their lives, churches, and organizations. When we have a fuller understanding of how spiritual discernment matters to the whole of our lives, we will in turn encourage others to follow likewise and then lean fully into the mission, mandate, and message of the whole counsel of God.

Author(s): Elisabeth Elliot
Publisher:  Revell
Price: $2.39       Buy Now!

When life gets too busy, too impersonal, and too much to handle, it’s time to turn to God for some peace and quiet. Keep a Quiet Heart is a unique collection of some of Elisabeth’s best work from her newsletter. More than 100 short passages offer a bit of relief from everyday life as they point the reader toward the everlasting love and peace of God.

Author(s): John Piper
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (May 3-4)
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The Bible reveals glorious things. And yet we often miss its power because we read it the same way we read any other book. In Reading the Bible Supernaturally, best-selling author John Piper teaches us how to read the Bible in light of its divine author. In doing so, he highlights the Bible’s unique ability to reveal God to humanity in a way that informs our minds, transforms our hearts, and ignites our love. With insights into the biblical text drawn from decades of experience studying, preaching, and teaching Scripture, Piper helps us experience the transformative power of God’s Word—a power that extends beyond the mere words on the page. Ultimately, Piper shows us that in the seemingly ordinary act of reading the Bible, something supernatural happens: we encounter the living God.

Author(s): Matt Fuller
Publisher:  Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (May 3-4)
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A timely book showing how following Jesus frees us from the tyranny of the to-do list.

Do you have enough time? Most of us feel pulled in too many directions, never managing to do enough.

Matt Fuller liberates us from the drive to do everything; points us to the source of true rest; and sets out a godly framework to help us prioritize, so that we can be productive without being crushed.

If you have ever felt the tyranny of a too-long to-do list, or the terror of a too-empty one, spend some precious time reading this book!


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