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In this grab bag, we have 3 e-books from HarperCollins Christian Publishing. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

July 10 only

July 10 only

July 10 only

Author(s): Sandy Ralya
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 10-11)
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The Beautiful Wife answers serious questions women have about their roles as wives. Discussing everything from romance and money to beauty, communication, and sex, Sandy challenges women to open up and share their journeys so that together they can see God’s plan for their marriages. “It is my passion to help women discover God’s heart for their marriage, just as the other women helped me,” writes Sandy. “When women share with each other the details of their journeys with God as wives, it’s a beautiful thing indeed.”

Author(s): John Stott
Publisher:  Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99       (July 10-11)
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False teachers had infiltrated the churches in Galatia, attacking Paul’s authority as well as the gospel he preached. So Paul’s letter to the Galatians is not only a defense of his authority as an apostle, but also a celebration of the remarkable grace offered through Jesus Christ.
John Stott’s teachings from The Message of Galatians are offered here as brief devotional readings suitable for daily use. Designed as a church resource for small groups, this book includes nine weekly studies that take us passage by passage through Galatians, allowing readers to enjoy the riches of Stott’s writings in a new, easy-to-use format.

Author(s): Kelly Irvin
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $1.99       (Ends July 31)
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During the most difficult season of her life, how could she know whether their meeting was a gift from God—or another temptation?

Maisy never expected that a Plain girl like her could have her heart stolen by an Englisch boy. But when her rumspringa ends and Maisy realizes she’s pregnant, the reality of their choices—and their differences—sets in.

Maisy knows she will never leave her faith to marry her baby’s father. But she also knows the road to acceptance as an unwed mother in an Amish community will be long and hard. To protect her family from the scandal, she goes to live with her cousin in Haven, Kansas, where she will have some solitude to figure out what kind of future she might have.


In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books from Crossway. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends July 16

Ends July 16

Ends July 16

Ends July 16

Ends July 16

Author(s): Joe Barnard
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 7-8)
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Christian men today are unprepared for the reality and scope of spiritual warfare they face. Some go about their lives naively ignoring the power that spiritual forces like sin and Satan have in their lives. Joe Barnard has written a book to help men not only wake up to the existence of sin in their lives, but, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to tackle it head on.

This may seem like a daunting task. Although few would admit it publicly, privately many share the deep anxiety that the resources of the gospel are inadequate to deal with – not the guilt of sin – but the power of sin. Sin may look like an insurmountable problem when measured by the stature of a fallen man, but to God, sin is no more than a weed planted in sand.

This book is for men who are willing to fight and it will arm them for the task at hand.

Chapter headings

The Rules of War
The Fight Against Deception
How to Kill Entrenched Passions
Four Sins That Are Killing Modern Men


Womanhood E-Book Deals

In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books for women. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends July 9

Ends July 31

Ends July 31

Ends July 31

Ends July 31

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