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In this grab bag, we have 4 e-books on personal growth. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Price: $2.50       (May 27 Only)
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The cross is an historical event that can bring us to heaven…
And a current event bringing heaven to bear on us

In The Power of the Cross, Tony Evans applies Christ’s work to life today.

In three parts, he systematically and pastorally explains three aspects of the cross:

Its Person: What makes Christ unique, and how He is the center of salvation history
Its Purpose: What was accomplished on it, and how it is to be the centerpiece of our lives
Its Power: The stability and deliverance it provides in our everyday living

We wear crosses around our necks, but do we apply it to our lives? Jesus’ work holds incredible power for us. It’s time we embrace it, for God’s glory and our joy. Read The Power of the Cross to find out how.


Author(s): Courtney Doctor & Joanna Kimbrel
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $3.99       (May 27-June 2)
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7-Week Women’s Bible Study from the Gospel Coalition Explores Jesus’s “I Am” Statements in the Gospel of John

Seeing is believing. If we want to know who Jesus is and why he is important to our lives, we need to take a closer look at what he said about himself. Jesus describes himself as the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, and more. His bold words invite us to behold him—and then to trust him.

Whether you’ve never read the Bible, have followed Jesus for years, or find yourself somewhere in between, this 7-week Bible study from Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel explores the question, Who is Jesus? Using the “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John, readers will learn how to observe, interpret, apply, and reflect on key Bible verses about Jesus’s identity. Weekly prayers, memory verses, brief commentaries, and discussion questions help women to see Jesus, trust him alone for salvation, and proclaim his goodness to others.


In this grab bag, we have 7 devotional e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends May 30

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Ends May 31

Publisher: B&H Academic
Price: $4.99       (Μay 25 Only)
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Calvinism raises serious concerns about the growth of a popularized Reformed theology.

Through a wide lens of denominational and theological perspectives, this volume carefully examines the theological tradition known today as “Calvinism,” particularly its doctrine of salvation. Editors David L. Allen and Steve W. Lemke lead a team of top contributors offering theological, historical, biblical, and practical critiques.

Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends May 30

Ends May 30

Ends May 30

Ends June 1

Ends June 1

Ends June 1

Author(s): Rachelle Starr
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Price: $1.89       Buy Now!

Rachelle Starr started going to strip clubs when she was twenty-three to share the love of Jesus with the women working there. Founder of a Christian ministry to the adult entertainment industry, Rachelle demonstrates the key to bringing Christ into dark places–loving people one at a time.

You want to do things for God, but maybe you’re afraid or unsure where to start. This book will light a fire in your soul to live the kind of Christian life that’s more than Instagram likes. Readers will be fueled by testimonies of God’s work, gain new empathy for those God has placed in their lives, be emboldened by confidence in God’s faithfulness, learn to discern and recognize where God is calling them, and be unleashed as salt and light in a dark and corrupted world.

Find that you have what it takes to say yes to God, and be fearlessly and outrageously obedient to the Lord.


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