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Author(s): Douglas Jones & Douglas Wilson
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Nov 27-Dec 1)
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Christianity presents a glorious vision for culture, a vision overflowing with truth, beauty, and goodness. It’s a vision that stands in stark conflict with the anemic modern (and postmodern) perspectives that dominate contemporary life. Medieval Christianity began telling a beautiful story about the good life, but it was silenced in mid-sentence. The Reformation rescued truth, but its modern grandchildren have often ignored the importance of a medieval grasp of the good life. This book sketches a vision of Medieval Protestantism, a personal and cultural vision that embraces the fullness of Christian truth, beauty, and goodness.

In this grab bag, we have 3 e-books that are on sale in celebration of Advent from Crossway. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Dec 3

Ends Dec 3

Ends Dec 3

Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Dec 3

Ends Dec 3

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Ends Nov 30

Author(s): Jim Wilder & Michel Hendricks
Publisher:  Moody Publishers
Price: $2.00       (Ends Dec 3)
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Could brain science be the key to spiritual formation?

Why does true Christian transformation seem fleeting? And why does church often feel lonely, Christian community shallow, and leaders untrustworthy? For many Christians, the delight of encountering Christ eventually dwindles—and disappointment sets in. Is lasting joy possible?

These are some of the questions Michel Hendricks has considered both in his experience as a spiritual formation pastor and in his lifetime as a Christian. He began to find answers when he met Jim Wilder—a neurotheologian. Using brain science, Wilder identified that there are two halves of the church: the rational half and the relational half. And when Christians only embrace the rational half, churches become unhealthy places where transformation doesn’t last and narcissistic leaders flourish.

In The Other Half of Church, join Michel and Jim’s journey as they couple brain science with the Bible to identify how to overcome spiritual stagnation by living a full-brained faith. You’ll also learn the four ingredients necessary to develop and maintain a vibrant transformational community where spiritual formation occurs, relationships flourish, and the toxic spread of narcissism is eradicated.


Author(s): Russ Ramsey
Publisher:  Zondervan
Price: $3.99       (Ends Nov 30)
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How do art and faith intersect? How does art help us see our own lives more clearly? What can we understand about God and humanity by looking at the lives of artists?

Striving for beauty, art also reveals what is broken. It presents us with the tremendous struggles and longings common to the human experience. And it says a lot about our Creator too. Great works of art can speak to the soul in a unique way.

Rembrandt Is in the Wind is an invitation to discover some of the world’s most celebrated artists and works and how each of them illuminates something about God, people, and the purpose of life. Part art history, part biblical study, part philosophy, and part analysis of the human experience, this book is nonetheless all story.


Author(s): Chanel Dokun
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Ends Nov 30)
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What if you had permission to stop striving and start thriving? Join Certified Life Planner and Relationship Expert Chanel Dokun as she gives you the tools you need to find profound joy and fulfillment in building a new life rooted in your unique purpose.

Women are drowning in pursuit of the “good life.” We chase external markers of success–building enviable careers, pursuing romantic relationships, and crafting the picture-perfect life–in attempts to soothe the aching suspicion that there must be more to life. But our efforts only leave us stressed, lonely, and tired of trying to answer the question: “Why isn’t this enough?”

Chanel Dokun has been there, too. She spent the first half of her life focusing on achieving and attaining the lifestyle she thought she wanted, but she found herself feeling disappointed, disillusioned, and like she’d lost herself while running after success. She realized that the world’s definition of accomplishment was not a true measure of a life well lived, and she needed to redefine success and become the architect of her own life.


Author(s):  David E. Clarke Ph.D
Publisher:  Moody Publishers
Price: $2.39       Buy Now!

You need to get to safety. Now.

When the abuse starts, that’s when you know enough is enough. It’s time to find a haven somewhere else. There will be a chance down the road to assess where your marriage is headed in the long term. No one is saying divorce is the inevitable outcome. God can transform anyone.

But He doesn’t promise to do that. People choose to persist in sin. And that’s why it’s imperative for you to leave . . . so you can think clearly, take stock of the situation, and most of all, protect yourself and those whom you love.

Dr. David Clarke, a licensed psychologist specializing in marital therapy for more than 30 years, wants to help you make the break from your abusive relationship. Whether or not divorce is on the horizon is beside the point. You need to get out so you can sort it out.


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